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"Mommy " there was a timid voice calling  for his mother. He was lost and didn't know what was going on with his pack and family. There were vicious growl and screams around him. He was scared to his death. He was not sure what was happening and where his family were. He was scared out of his life and had his small palm clutching his ears in a weak attempt to muffle the nightmarish sound around him.

"Mom....m..mommy, daddy, where are you? Stop hiding please. I know I was being a bad boy earlier, I will behave like a good boy so please come and get me. Please." He was calling and pleading to them like his life was depended on them which basically was. With every passing minute, his parents not appearing in-front of him and all those weird sound felt like a never ending nightmare. He was now very scared and wanted to be out of the dark closet in which he was locked for god knows how long. It felt like he have spend the longest time of his life in there cause it was so dark and suffocating that even minutes were passing by slowly or lets say he felt as if time has totally stopped for him to make him suffer more.

The young boy didn't know how long but after certain time later there were some shuffling and he could hear the  sound of someone footstep coming closer to him. The hope of his parents finally coming to get him out of this bad place made him shout out for them with all the energy he can gathered within his small body. 

", dad..dy, ARE YOU THERE. THIS PLACE IS REALLY NOT NICE AND SMELLS BAD AS WELL. PLEASE TAKE ME OUT OF HERE?" He shouted which took him a lot of energy and felt was really loud but in reality it was just a mere murmuring to those listening from outside. Suddenly all the noise outside came to a halt and the sudden quiteness made him confused. After spending about  which felt like an hour, he slightly opened the door of closet and looked around himself  but found no one around him.

He slowly started walking with both of his arms clutched tightly in his chest. He made a sorry figure with tiny and trembling body, large drops of tear falling from his eyes, disheveled hair and clothes with cut here and there barely hiding his body. He was shivering both because of cold and fear. He was just a young boy who was shut down in a dark closet by his daddy for whatever reason he didn't know.

He slowly opened the door and peeked out of the door by only popping his head out. It was a huge house where he lived with other many people like him. Since the house was huge the trip from where he was to the front door took fair bit of a time considering his tiny steps and tired body. He was born and raised in the same place and has walked the hallway he is walking now thousands of time since he could walk. He could walk the hallway with his eyes closed. But this particular day the darkness in the hallway was really obnoxious that scared him even more. He wasn't old enough to know what was happening around him but still he felt the silence, the pain, loneliness and the heartbreak.

He tried looking for his family but he found no one. He started looking for his friends but they were all gone. There was no one he knew and all the fallen bodies of his people lying lifeless in the ground of the living room were freaking him out. He wanted to scream but nothing came out and even as a child he was just starting to feel the extreme pain as if he can totally sense the grief in the air.

After seeing the bodies, all bloodied up and torn out he was just curious about why everyone was like as if they were going to Halloween party.  He felt like someone is playing some sort of dirty prank on him. His parent might be punishing him for not eating his veggies this morning. He was feeling that he shouldn't have been a bad boy and should have behaved good for this to not happen. He searched for his family and friends in the house but found nobody so he went  in search of them and the scene around him made him scream in horror.

His mommy, daddy were also lying down with blood, mud, cuts, bruise and wounds like the people he have seen inside the house. "Mommy , daddy wake up. It is no Halloween so why you acting like this. Please wake up. I am sacred. Please wake up. I am sorry, so sorry that I threw a tantrum this morning. I won't do it anymore. So please wake up." He cried shaking the lifeless body of his parents. He didn't know what was going on so he was just crying his small heart out with big fat tears rolling down his face.

Every member of the pack were slaughtered. He didn't know what to do at that moment. Should he cry, should he check whether anyone is moving, should he run for his life or should he also lie down like his parents and pretend that he is also with them living all happy and laughing?

Suddenly he heard someone talking  around him. First he debated about whether he should stay there and let whoever was doing bad things to his whole pack do the same with him but he found himself not being able to do that so he ran away from his pack, ran as fast as his small feet can take him and ran away for his life leaving everything behind him.

He was not that mature enough to know what to do in wild. He was not capable of doing the things to support his life. He have not even shifted cause he was only eight years old. Being loved ,cared and adored by everyone in the pack for being how cute and adorable he was made him more dependent on other than being able to do things on his own. And now when he is in desperate need, he can't even do a single and simple things to keep him alive.

He felt like he is doing something wrong running away from his family. He felt like he is being even bad for leaving his parents behind when he promised them that he is going to behave good. He don't know why it happened and who did it but he felt like it was not something that anyone should feel and go through. He just felt lifeless with no hope and happiness left in this world to hand on to anymore. Running away felt meaningless but he just for some reason couldn't stop from running harder.

"Do you think he is alive?" a soft voice asked or maybe he might be hallucinating with how desperate he was to hear someone talk to him and make those feelings of loneliness and sadness go away, to make him feel like he wasn't the only one in this massive world.

"I don't know. His breath is very faint. He looks really pale as if there is no blood left in him.  "A voice rougher then before but kind nonetheless answered.

That was the life changing moment in the boy's life. The one who saved him after he was all alone in wild after five torturous months were like blessing for him .He doesn't know how he survived that long in wild. He doesn't know what being in wild was but he just somehow survived and finally had someone to help him. He finally found his saving grace in this cruel and lonely world.

He never had thought that he would have to go through such rough experience very early in his life. He never thought that he would lose his family and be left all alone to live  on his own with the scar on his heart as well as on his mind. The nightmares that actually happened in his life make him live the life of terrors.

After when he was helped, he was terrified  to not  know where he was. He was having some terrible panic attack at first but when a young girl one year older then her came and hold his hand he calmed down. Maybe it was the peaceful aura that the girl possessed or maybe just the warm heart she possessed got to the boy, from that moment on his new life started with new family, new faces and new pack member even though that specific unpleasant night would forever haunt his mind.

I finally edited this chapter after years. I am back in Wattpad. I should really pat myself though, coming from non-english speaking country, when I was only like eighteen, wrote this story which is not that bad in my opinion. Anyway I will try to edit the story and write other stories as well.

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