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Don't go. I can't do this on my own. Save my from the ones that haunt me in the night. I can't live with myself, so stay with me tonight.



Lilith stares at the dead corpse of her mother.

A small container of pills lies tauntingly in Eva's hands, aggravating Lilith even further. The tears stream recklessly down her flushed cheeks, along with the chilled water of her previous shower. She lifts a hand to cup her mother's cheeks in a loving embrace, then leans down to loudly sob into her shoulder.

She feels like a pathetic child again, begging for her mother's affections after a horrible nightmare, except, this time, her mother won't awaken from her sleep like all of the other mornings.

Lilith is alone.

She gathers up the slightest bit of strength to part with her mother's body and phone the police, speaking in an unbalanced tone. They arrive within minutes, throwing sympathetic glances behind Lilith's hunched back. No one dares to speak a word to the grieving girl who had lost her father and, now, her mother.

"It's only a matter of time." She hears one officer ignorantly whisper to another. Rage builds in her chest. The temptation to attack the man teases her, but she settles with directly glaring into his judgmental eyes.

"Before what?" Lilith has the urge to infuriatingly question the officer. "Before I die too?"

"Why don't you take a walk? Clear your mind, and we'll talk when you get back." She takes the man's word as a sign to leave them to their investigation.

Tears persistently streak down her cheeks, and she makes no move to wipe them away. The imprint of her mother's lifeless eyes bore into her own, never fading away. The slow walk down the street doesn't do much for her cluttered mind. If anything, it heightens her thoughts, urging her to act quickly now that she is alone.

A numb feeling washes over Lilith's entire body. Her legs drag her to her known destination, and she no longer fights for the control. The wind brushes back her still damp hair and sends a chill down the back of her neck. Goosebumps form on her limp arms, and she forces herself to continue walking.

 Finally, after a short walk with only her thoughts as her companion, she reaches the bridge. A few weeks ago, Lilith had stumbled upon a small, secluded area that had been sadly abandoned by the townspeople. She hadn't had much time to visit the area again, with all the drama, but the memory of it continuously lingered in her mind.

It is just as peaceful as she remembered. The trees are painted a soft orange and red mixture, and, though the high bridge appears unsafe, Lilith takes her chances and walks to the middle.

Her tear-stricken face slightly reflects from the water below. Her hands raise to cup her ears in agony as she blocks out all the noises annoyingly echoing around her, the slight ruckus from the town behind the trees and the happy chirps of birds.

Her face scrunches in an unfamiliar kind of pain. After being abused for so many years, she would have assumed that she would view the aches in her chest as a lost, yet welcome friend.

...but she doesn't.

Every tragedy has broken her more and more over the past few months, and, now, there are only tiny noticeable pieces of the girl that she used to be.

Her body rocks back and forth, swaying with the wind, and her eyes remained locked on the calming waters. She shuts herself off to everything in the world, begging for a momentary peace from her sufferings.

The lake is drenched in a disgusting blue, green color. Algae and other diseases have probably bathed themselves on the shores of the lake, but, to Lilith, a sight has never appeared more beautiful.

...and tempting.

"It'd be easier to jump."

The words that trickle out from her lips doesn't surprise her as much as she thought it would. To end it all, the agony, would be utter peace, and peace was what she had asked for, wasn't it?

"It's only a matter of time."

"She's Lilith. She attracts death."


"End it."

...but as she takes the final step to plummet to her ultimate demise, she hears a voice.











the end

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