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Your eyes are either grey or blue, but I'm never close enough to say.

She tries to drown out the screams of terror that echo throughout her home. Her hands raise up to shakily cup her ears in fright as she hides in the confined space of her closet.

"Please." Her begs never cease, though she knows that they can't hear her. "Please, stop."

Her body unconsciously rocks back and forth while tears stream down her face, clouding her vision.

Angry curses are shouted from the bottom level of the home. She tries ignoring them, but they filter through her mind. They rip through the walls of her room and send shivers down her spine.

Suddenly a momentary silence fills the home. She waits, holding her breath, not allowing air to escape her closed lips.

Seconds fly.

Minutes pass.



Then, the bang of a gunshot.

The engines of the airplane startle Lilith awake. Her eyes snap open at the rough jolt of the plane, then relax once again after realizing the cause of the sound.

Lilith immediately notices her mother, Eva, is beside her but is seated as far away from her as possible. Willing away the hurt in her chest, she gently adjusts her mother's head to lie comfortably on her shoulder.

The bright lights reflecting from the small window call for Lilith's attention. She breaks her stormy eyes from her mother's sleeping form and turns to watch the lights flicker by below her.

"Wow." Lilith sighs in contentment, never quite seeing a sight so beautiful and pure.

After living in one tiny town for so long, Lilith longed for adventure and excitement. Sadly, after the death of her father, all she wants now is to hide herself from the world, never to be seen nor found.

It's simply the price she must pay for being her.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" An accented voice suddenly interrupts her thoughts. "The lights?"

Lilith isn't sure how to respond, considering that the boy is moderately attractive and is around her age, so she just nods in acknowledgment.

The sapphire glimmer in his eyes captivates her like none other. His black clad body is twisted to face her from the seat he is sitting in directly in front of her. It's an uncomfortable position, she notices, but he doesn't seem to mind. In fact, he seems to enjoy it.

"I'm Than." He suddenly reaches out his arm and gently nudges her. The movement catches her off guard, resulting in a slight flinch of memories that have previously evaded her mind.

"You little bitch!"

Lilith can almost feel the scrape of his nails against her pale complexion, marring her face. A mental image of him wearing a malicious grin taints her mind.

Out of fright, Lilith recoils when Than makes a move to shake her hand. She understands that it's simply a friendly gesture, but she can never be too cautious.

He could be a monster.

With careful thoughts and consideration, Lilith allows herself a closed lip smile. After all, this could be the only human interaction she would be receiving for a long while.

"Than." She tests his name, enjoying the comfortable roll on her tongue. "Than, I like it." Her soft voice compliments. She's positive she's never seen a grin as pearly as his before.

"...and do I get the pleasure of knowing your name, milady?" Lilith appreciates his light and teasing tone and decides to selfishly play along.

"Hmm..." She drawls out with a flutter of her eyelashes. "..."I don't know, yet, Than."

"Oh, come on, love. The least you can do is give me a name. I've been nothing but kind to you for the past few minutes we've known each other." His eyebrows lift in question, hoping for a reply from Lilith, whether it be her name or anything else to keep the conversation going.

Than admits, he is intrigued by the girl dressed in black.

"I don't even know you, Than." She can't resist saying his name once more. Lilith doesn't understand the slight flutter in her chest when he combs through his spiked blonde hair, but she blames it on her hunger.

Infatuation. Crush.

Lilith didn't need either of them.

"Well, get to know me." Than grins, lighting up the dark plane with his happy smile.

Lilith swears that his positive attitude is contagious. She feels like laughing for the first time in years, so she abandons all of her walls and does.

First, a shy giggle escapes her lips. Next, a quiet chuckle. Then, out of nowhere, a full out laugh explodes from her chest. She struggles with her breathing, feeling confined by the tight strap of her buckle, but she doesn't fight it.

Lilith is happy. For once in her life, she's happy.

Than jumps in on the random laughs and even lets out a snort of his own. He already adores the unknown girl and her innocence, wishing that they could have met under different circumstance.

"Attention, passengers." The intercom interrupts their moment of elation. "We will be arriving at your destination in approximately fifteen minutes. Please, remain seated until arrival."

The realization hits the both of them. The chemistry between both blue and grey eyes whirl between them, but soon, both Lilith and Than know that their meeting will come to an end.

"My name's Lilith."

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Lilith."

She leaves feeling much lighter than before.

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