Chapter 3 (edited)

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"So, all I have to do is write something that will keep people entertained for a month?" Emily questioned. Her and Claire were currently sitting in the patio of their favorite deli enjoying the summer sun.

"Yup." Claire replied popping the p and picking at the salad she ordered and tried to keep from making faces with each bite she took.

"My boss was thinking something like relationship advice, maybe answer questions or even one of those old school serialized stories. You know, like Sherlock Holmes, something fun."
She added while pushing the plate away and making a face at it. 

Salads were not her thing, but if she wanted a chance to cover fashion week she needed to look the part and that included salads an overly thought out wardrobe and impeccable hair and makeup. She glanced at her friend's plate jealous that Emily could enjoy the German chocolate cake without any worry.

"You want?"

Claire looked up from the plate, Emily was holding out her fork a small piece of chocolate heaven tempting her.

"It's just a small bite. Eat it and I'll write something for you." Emily bargained holding it even closer to her friend's face with a wide smile. The devilish treat was to good to deny, diet or not.

"Good now finish this slice and we can head back home." Emily encouraged sliding the plate in front if her friend. Claire wasted no time in devouring the treat, but it was only because she needed Emily to write something for her, she told herself.

The two girls sat on the floor, pillows scattered all around them while the snacks were long forgotten on the coffee table. They had been brainstorming for the entertainment piece for hours and so far they had nothing other than a few date tips and a restaurant review.

"Write a story about a lonely cat lady who meets the love of her life when her cat escapes thru the window and into his place." Claire suggested. Being the hopeless romantic she was, a love story started because of a cat seemed like a great idea. 

Emily looked at her friend, who was currently looking dazed as she probably wrote the whole novel in her head and laughed at the girls she called bestie. She looked back down to her list they had already crossed off practically everything and were both beginning to get frustrated.

Tucking  her things under the couch she picked up the remote and flipped the channels, maybe TV would help inspire them.

"...The world has gone into a frenzy, a live version of Willy Wonka taking place at Redwood Inc, not only has Mr Redwood finally filled the positions available, he also acquired Business Billions and will be featured on the cover as well as doing an exclusive interview with his new magazine. The once allusive Billionaire will open up about his company and the struggles he’s had. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for who ever manages to secure to interview "

Emily tossed the control on the couch, it hit the seat and then bounced off and onto the floor, missing Claire's face by a hair. It seemed the mysterious Mr Redwood had agreed to a press conference by the end of the week and bought  a new company. He has time for that, but not for a courtesy thank you for applying email she thought to herself as she pulled out her notebook.  It wasn't for the magazine, her therapist had told her to write down how she felt, so she did.

  It wasn't for the magazine, her therapist had told her to write down how she felt, so she did

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"Daliah when do the new people start?" Blake questioned his VP as she walked into her office.

   They had finally gotten thru all the applications, cleared a few background checks and were awaiting calls from only a few potentials, thankfully all the EJ's had accepted and we excited to work with Blake Redwood himself.

"Next week, it was in the email HR sent this morning along with their contact information in case you wanted them to come in for a face to face interview since you never interviewed any of them. You also have a press conference today to discuss the article that was released last week and answer a few more questions,,so go get ready." Daliah responded motioning for him to get off her desk.

"Perfect." He replied getting up and clapping his hands together.

"Did you have sugar in your coffee or something? You seem awfully cheerful and it's only seven in the morning." Daliah asked afraid to hear the answer.

Blake said nothing as he walked to the door and opened it and walked out without another word leaving Daliah worried.

"I don't get paid enough for this." She muttered as the door closed behind him.

"Mr Redwood, we would like to know your feelings about the article that was written and clearly aimed at you?" A reporter asked as the rest of the room leaned forward in their seats microphones and recording devices stretched out in front of them.

Blake looked at them confused. His team had told him nothing about any article, but then again nobody ever wrote anything about him he had nothing of interest for others. There was nothing to write about,  his life was boring his dating life was virtually non existent, he rarely when out in public and when he did nobody ever recognized him.

"What article?" He asked, eyeing the reporter. The young man visibly gulped before opening his mouth to speak, but  nothing came out.

Blake sat there waiting dark eyebrow raised sending the man a cold glare. The room remained quiet, it was clear that not everyone knew what he was talking about.

"The one written by some EJ, for F.L.E in response to your acquisition of Business Billions, it was published last night." Someone chimed in from the other side of the room. Blake looked up not even bothering to find the reporter who spoke, excitement was written all over his face. EJ was back! After three months of no mail he was back. The question was why was he in a magazine. Was he ok?

"EJ you say? Thank you ladies and gentlemen this meeting is now over. " He announced as he got up and walked off the makeshift stage.

Daliah stood there magazine already in hand and a worried look on her face. She had read some of the letters EJ sent Blake over the course of six years and as similar as this new one was there was something slightly off about it. Without a word Blake opened it to the folded page.

Dear Mr Billionaire,
Congratulations on Business Billions, but is it really necessary to put your face on the cover? It makes you almost seem conceded. I mean who wants to see your perfectly chiseled face, chocolate eyes and luscious brown locks? It's not like a bunch of women are going to buy this to actually read it or gift it to their husbands. Im sure the people who actually want to read it because they are interested in your story won’t be able to because your lady fans will have snatche up every copy available.

I liked it better when we didn't know much about you and barely knew what you looked like. That way if I ever ran into you I would still be able to breath without an inhaler. Which reminds me, I need to order a refill. Anyways, have fun with the paparazzi now that you released a picture of your face I’m sure people will be clamoring all over your personal space.


BTW, Thanks for the job


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