Chapter XIX

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Time skip.

I close my eyes and open them again, still trying to answer the question.

Does the dress look nice on me?

I sigh and put on the shoes. I'm guessing it does. Jay will like it.

He'll be wearing a suit, I know it. I've never seen him in one before, so it'll be interesting to see him in one.

I don't think he's seen me in a dress though, so we're even.

The dress is a waterfall type, and it's blue, to match both Jay and my eyes.

A water blue, like ocean. Kind of fading out at the bottom.

You can see the leg, but it doesn't bother me. I like it.

I finally got a proper prosthetic leg, and I can use it just as well as a normal one.

I learnt how to use it and got used to it quite quickly.

I can have two shoes that match as well, with the foot size the same as mine.

I go out of my nest (my nest was lowered for easier getting in and out of) and down to the clearing behind the rock. The Hall is behind the clearing.

Jay comes over to me from his nest and his jaw drops to the ground in awe.

I can see he's holding something behind his back.

He clears his throat.

"Ahem! May I escort the lovely lady in the blue to the ballroom?"

I curtsey. "Yes you may."

He kisses me on the cheek.

"You look beautiful," he says.

"You look handsome," I return.

He takes out a corsage and slides it onto my wrist.

"It's more of a 'prom' thing, but I thought it would be a nice gesture because it's a ball, so, yeah."

"I love it," I say. I kiss him on the cheek again.

"Should we enter?"

"Yes, sir."

He holds out his arm in a straight angle, and I place my hand on top.

We enter the room that is usually the Gymnasium, and I see that it has been decorated with silk bunted across the ceiling. The lighting is a pale purple, and at the back of the room, there is a buffet.

The front is raised slightly, with a small orchestra and Swan in a silver sequin dress conducting.

Everyone is here, and Swan stops conducting, so the music stops.

"I'd like to welcome you all... to our Ball of Remembrance. This day, one year ago, we faced the Death Beholders in a bid to save the human race. We succeeded! And that is why we are all here today.

"So I invite you all, to dance to this tune, which I conducted and wrote myself."

We all clap and she raises her conducting wand.

We ready for the dance, and we start.

I look over and see Sparrow and Raven dancing together. Hum. I guess they got together!

Out feet move together in time to the music.

When the song ends, we all clap for Swan. All eight of us.


After an exciting night of dancing, we go to Jay's nest, and celebrate.

Kissing. Lots of it.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too."

We smile at each other and I go back to my nest to gather some pyjamas.

I'm guessing Jay doesn't wear pyjamas, he just strips down to his underwear.

I put on my large t-shirt and take off my prosthetic leg.

I hop into bed (literally) and lie next to Jay.

We smile at each other.

"This night was magical," he says.

"Yeah, it was. You're magical."

"So are you."

We come together to share a tender kiss.

As I fall asleep, he wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me close, so we're pressed together from shoulder to hip.


I guess I've always been quite a unique girl.

I mean, I saved the world with a couple of other teenagers! How unique can you get? And, I never ever thought I would have to wear a piece of metal every day. On my leg, just so I can walk.

But really and truly, I'm just like anybody else.

I'm just a girl who went to a normal school, with normal friends, had a normal boyfriend, and had a normal home.

But I am unique. And I like it.



I really hoped you enjoyed this lil novel from me, I worked really hard on it and although it is cringey at parts, I really think I did a good job.

I'm gonna keep writing some more stories, so keep an eye out for those updates!

Again, hope you enjoyed!

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