Chapter II

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The next morning I wake up with something heavy on my feet.

"Stupid cat," I mutter.

My cat likes to sleep on my feet for some reason. She's a big black thing and sleeps sooooooooo much.

I like that she sleeps so much though. She sleeps beside me, and keeps me company while I'm doing homework or just reading a book.

Her name is Inky, and she really couldn't care less about anything

I stand up and rub my eyes, then walk to the bathroom to have a quick shower.

When I'm done, I wrap myself in my towel and walk back to my bedroom. I put my uniform on,  which is a blouse, a skirt, and a navy jersey. Nothing else.

Apart from the socks, which are regulation black, but in the summer we wear white ones.

I tidy my hair into a high ponytail with a navy ribbon, then go out to the kitchen for breakfast.

I quickly grab some bread, and with ninja flexes, put it in the toaster, push down the lever and make my lunch.

I decide it have an apple (a slightly mushy one, but crispy enough), some trail mix (with bits of apricot and cranberry), a cappucino muffin (with lots of chocolate chips) and a muesli bar.

By the time I've put my lunch together, the toast has popped so I take it out, and slather some of my favourite spread on it.

Peanut butter.

My dad finally bought the stuff I've wanted for ages,nut he said I have to make it last for a month. I don't think it will to be honest, because it's Reese's! Y'know, like Reese's pieces, and Peanut butter cups....

Oh, it's heavenly.

I take a bite out, relish the flavor, then gobble the rest because I only have a little bit of time before I have to go.

I take my lunch to my room, then aim it into my bag, and like every morning, it fits perfectly.

"3 pinter at least," I think to myself. "Mm."

I put my books in my bag, then remember all the other things like pencil case, drink bottle, qnd my headphones.

You honestly can't forget headphones, especially when you're on the bus you don't want to hear other people talking about God knows what.

"See ya later Dad!" I yell from the door.


When the bus gets to my stop, I get on, say hello to the bus driver like I do every morning, and go to the seat I particularly like to sit at.

It's at the back, a row forward from the very back.

I pull out my headphones and listen to my music to keep me sane.


We get to the school stop finally, so me and a few others from my school get off the bus.

We walk into school, but I walk far behind them because they're pretty weird.

I go to my first class, which is Science, and meet the Arazap squad outside.

They all seem to be swapping homework answers.

"Did you guys even do the homework?" I ask.

"No," says Angel. "I completely forgot."



At the end of the day, at the end of History, we all pack up and go to our lockers.

I put all my books back because I don't have any homework for any of my subjects.

"Homework free weekend for me, ladies," I say.

"Aww, no fair. Well that means you can help me with mine," says Rosie.

"Oh, of course." I say in a fake British accent. "Nah, I've got stuff on this weekend."

"Like what?"

"Sleeping!" says Zoe, and we all end up laughing.


Hey guys!

I'll hopefully update this book a lot but that's not a promise.

Comment vote go crazy GOODBYE

~ Sydney

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