Chapter XVIII

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WARNING: this chapter has a bit of  (cringey) nsfw near the end so watch out lol


I wake up back in my bed at home.

At home.

The sun is glaring through the window.

I check my phone for the date.

It's a Monday.

"Oh, I guess I have school."

It's already 7 in the morning, so I have to be a bit quick.

I whack on my uniform after a quick shower, I organise my lunch in order, (apple, trail mix, cappuccino muffin, muesli bar).

Then I pack my bag, and go into Dad's room.

There's a lump under the duvet.


The lump moves.

I see a head.

"Oh, hey Phoenix. You off to school?"

He smiles, and I smile back.

I leap onto him and give him a big hug.

"Dad! You didn't die!"

"Well, I did, but then I got brought back, so I guess it is us together again."

I smile from ear to ear.

"I should probably get to school, or I'll be late," I say. "See you after school!"

"Yeah, see you princess."

"Bye!" I yell out the door.


Once I get to school (with minutes to spare), I meet the Arazap squad in the foyer of the English block.

I'm on crutches, and have made a prosthetic leg suitable to use for about 20 steps without my crutches.

The Arazap squad look at me with wide eyes, and Rosie hugs me immediately.

My heart is racing.

"Phoenix? Is it really you?" She asks.

"Yeah, it is."

"But your leg... what happened?"

"Oh, I just saved the world, no big deal."

"Please tell me what you were doing, we were worried sick for ages without you," says Zoe.

The bell rings.

"I'm sorry, I haven't got time to tell you now, but I promise to tell you at interval. Ok?"

"Yeah, ok."

Rosie and I go to our class, while Zoe and Angel go to the other one.

Rosie sits with me, and kind of just stares at me, probably trying to get her head around me being here, for almost 5 months.


At interval, the squad meet up at our normal tree, and I explain to them how I got taken away, and trained, and then had to fight the Death Beholders.

And I also told them about Jay.

They seemed pretty excited about him, so I planned to get him after school and introduce them.

"So, how did your leg get broken off?"

"I stood on a land mine and moved so it blew up and I almost died because of it. Luckily it only got my leg."

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