Meeting Up ¬

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What a lovely day it is on this day.
Today is the day Mark, Jack, Felix and Ken all meet up together. They're all sharing a hotel room so they can go to a convention to meet their great fans. All of them have looked forward to this day. Especially Mark.
Everybody has an introduction made to their newest video about the con, now they must wait for the rest of their time to complete the video content.

Mark is just finishing up packing his bags and he's ready to head off to the airport to meet his friends for the convention.
'Gosh.. I can't wait to see Jack's happy face when we see each other.' Mark thought in his head, now driving to the airport.
Jack is simply adorable to Mark. He can hardly stand it. The best feeling forms inside of him every time he watches one of Jack's videos. Now that he can see him in person again, things will be different. That strong feeling will be even better than the last time.

_Time skip to everybody on their separate planes, now going on to Jack_

Jack is on the plane currently, scrolling through his photos on his phone. Which a lot of these photos consisted of Mark.
Jack has secretly had a little thing for Mark but he knows that Mark only sees him as a friend.
It's just obvious !
'Why would somebody as great as Mark like a lad like me?' Jack asked himself in his mind.
This thought brought his mood down a bit but that shouldn't get in the way.
He turns off his phone and leans his head back into his big plane seat, slowly drifting to sleep.
If he sleeps, he can see Mark faster.

¬ At the air port.

At the airport, everybody arrives one by one and wait in a set spot for each other.
Everybody gave their hello's and hugs.
Jack hasn't arrived yet. It's been at least half an hour. Mark begins to worry.
Mark's worry for Jack was pretty obvious. Ken put his hand on Mark's shoulder and smiled.
"It's fine Mark. We all come from different distances and our planes are set on different times. He'll be here soon." - Ken
"I'm just hoping he didn't already get here and got lost." Felix said beginning to get himself nervous.
"I'm going to go look around for a minute just in case. It'd be pretty assuring. Ken, you should wait by his exit from the plane so you can lead him here, where Mark will wait." -Felix
"Yeah, that sounds pretty good. Is that cool Mark?" - Ken
"Yeah, for sure! I'll be here. As long as he ends up okay."

< A few minutes go by of Mark waiting for the others to return. Eventually, Felix comes back shrugging. He guessed that Jack was still on the flight.

"So, why were you so worried about Jack?" Felix looked at Mark with a smirk.
"Because. He's my friend and I love my friends a lot. You guys mean the world to me." Mark replied.
"That's a fair answer, I'll accept that." Felix chuckles. Him and Ken always tries to tease Mark about anything possible.
"Yeah, I think his plane should be-" He was cut off by a certain Irish ass voice yelling from a little Distance.
"Mark! Felix! ! " Mark and Felix swung over to the sound only to see a short, green haired Irish boy they know as Jack.
They run up to Jack and they form a great group hug, also tugging Ken over and into the hug.
Cute friend moments are happening now.
They all have long conversations about new things in their life in a cab, on their way to their hotel.
Soon enough, all of their stuff was put where they belonged and everybody claimed their beds. The room only consisted of 2 large beds.
Bed 1, Felix and Ken. Bed 2, Mark and Jack.
But for real, Ken and Felix set Mark and Jack up in the same bed because they lowkey ship them.
Who wouldn't really ?
>It's now night time, everybody rushes to bed, exhausted from their long trips over.
They all fall asleep in a flash.
In the middle of the night, Jack ended up cuddling Mark in his sleep and Felix somewhat did the same to Ken. He more swooshed his leg over Ken and almost made him fall out.
Everybody moves in their sleep.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Time for next chaper<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Left Alone ¬ Mark x Jack/ Septiplier [Lemon after a bit]Where stories live. Discover now