Alphenrose 16

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The remainder of the trip to Irish was a calm one. There were no more storms or accidental encounters with the navy. The members quickly caught up on their sleep and Julius retracted the no food punishment for Thomas.

The island of Irish was a beautiful one. Before the crew even docked, the island's natural landscape was breathtaking. Right by the port, grooves of curved trees formed a path into the centre of the bustling island. Like most islands, the center of the port town was a market and then rest that could be seen was farmland and a small village could be seen in the distance.

"Are we sure we can find Mr. Bellamy here?"

"The Baron of Taupe said he was living in Chestnut Village the last him he saw him and here we are now."

"Okay," Baise clapped once, "let's slip up into two groups of five. Ready?" Everyone formed a circle with their fists in the middle. "One, two, three, four, five, shoot!"

Everyone's fist transformed to show one to five fingers. If two people had the same they were paired, if not the game was repeated until everyone paired off.

"Hey, Zono."

"Baise-boya, get over here-boya."

"Lane-san, if you will."

The three pairs split up and the other four closed the gap. Victorian eyed the other members and thought about her options. If she wanted to find Edward Bellamy, then she would need Julius as a partner. If she wanted to hear horrible jokes then she should work with Kiyiya, and if she wanted to feel alone, it'd be L'Roux, wherever he was.

"One, two, shoot," the four shouted.

Victorian shot out two fingers and only one other person did the same and Victorian looked up to see Julius grinning at her.

"Miss Tori." Julius bowed dramatically.

"Julius." Victorian repeated.

"We'll meet at lunch, if we find him before that, take him to the ship."

Thomas and Alzono headed to the nearest bar for 'research' purposes. When they weren't too busy drinking or talking to the female workers they did remember to ask around for Edward Bellamy. All they got were weird stares and laughs at the mention of the quote on quote, old fart.

Yuto and Elena, one of the only groups to do their jobs, headed to the marketplace and talked to the local vendors. Their results were the same with as Thomas and Alzono's. Baise, who lost Morgan, got the same results when he searched for both the lost navigator and the quoted crazy fart.

Kiyiya, who forgot about L'Roux who was right next to him, had no luck in between his traditional materials shopping spree. Julius and Victorian had no luck either on the outskirts of the town. The Sundance Crew gathered back at Going Sunny for lunch and caught each other up.

"All we got was that he was an old fart."

"You smell like rum Maes. Did you actually do your job Alzono?"

"We received similar results," Yuto interrupted. Thomas mouthed a thank you and focused back on the meeting. "The local vendors called Bellamy-san a crazy fart."

"Same here." Baise raised his hand up. "Hey, there you are Morgan."

"At least you had partner," Kiyiya mumbled.

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