Alicia closed her eyes, releasing soft gusts of air from her delicate lips. "Phillipe can you drop me off at cafe d'a luna I need to grab a drink,"

Philippe eyed her warily, "You don't think I believe that, do you?"

"I'm not going to runaway,"

"You always say that and end up doing opposite."

"Okay Philippe you can also come along."

"I was going to come along anyway."

"You are my chauffeur not my bodyguard!" Alicia said angrily and slouched into her seat. Nothing was going her way.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight Miss Maya." He said with finality.

They arrived at the coffee shop some minutes later. Alicia walked wearily as Phillipe followed her, he was very serious about not letting her out of his sight. The hotness of the weather created beads of sweat on her face. She wiped it with her paws and lifted her eyes to the bronze plate which said welcome to Cafe D'luna as Phillipe opened the door for her. A bell dinged as they entered.

The cool air in the shop met her with gladness, massaging her fears and relaxing her senses. The sweet smell of coffee and chocolate wafted in the air and pinched her nostrils in pleasure. The enticing smell brought back memories—good memories. Memories she would gladly relive without any objection.

Her eyes drifted to the coffee bar, that was where Raina worked. And that was the first place she always went anytime she entered the shop. Raina was her confidante, her only friend next to Bill and Mitchie, and her go-to-girl when she was going through things she couldn't fight alone. Raina knew her more than anything and if anyone was going to understand, it was her.

Alicia asked herself why Raina didn't go to the police when she knew who killed her. She felt a little betrayed and a little hurt. Alicia knew Raina was going to help her, and it was going to start with telling her who killed the old Alicia. She already knew it was Zach but she was here to clarify her claims. She was here for answers and she wasn't leaving without them.

She walked to a table for two at the end of the capacious room and made herself comfortable on one of the seats. Sitting quietly, she listened to the whirring sounds of the baroque classical music which was been played at the background. The bright lights on the slanted ceiling, twinkled on the marble stone tiled floors, adding a colorful touch to the modest wooden furnitures which were all sorrel. She glanced at Raina's work station and wondered where she was. Her shift was usually around this time. In her place was a bony sharp mouthed woman who looked not more over twenty six.

Alicia stood up, "Sit here. I'll go place our orders," she said to Phillipe and whisked off not waiting for his reply. She studied the barista and confidently walked towards her.

Ignoring the line of fuming people behind her, she asked, "Where is Raina?"

"Raina who?" The barista asked as she operated on the coffee maker.

"Raina Collins. Big blue eyes, curly black hair."

"Don't know anybody with that name. Now are you going to scuttle off or place your order, I've got work to do."

"You should know who she is. She used to work here about a year ago," Alicia desperately pressed on.

"But you don't see her around, do you?" The woman scowled.


"What's going on here Susan?" A beefy man appeared behind the counter. Alicia knew who he was. Alex Griffin was the owner of the shop and she clearly remembered she used to hate how controlling he was, especially were Raina was concerned.

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