Chapter 9: Answer

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The next morning, I woke up early, deciding to make something for the boys.
It was currently 5am...

Maybe I should make something simple...?
After deciding what I would make, I started to gather the items I needed.

Then I looked at everything.

Everything was seafood...


If I remember correctly, Wonwoo couldn't eat seafood.

Let's make something out of our kimchi!

I smiled at my own idea as I started cooking.

After 1,5 hour, everything was done.

I sighted out.

Exhausted, I plopped down at the floor, staring at the ceiling.

Do I really make the right decision I thought in my head.

Then I remembered that I was going to head over to the boy's house.

Looking at our clock I flinched.

It was 6:30... I still had good time

Maybe I should head over.

I really wanted to meet Joshua again.

Slowly, I brought my hand to my cheek again, remembering what happened last night
"Could that mean something?" I wondered.
I snapped back to reality again when grandma greeted me.

"Oh, good morning (Y/N)!"

"Good morning!" I greeted her, looking up.

"My, what did you make?"

"Just some simple dishes for the Seventeen boys." I smiled proudly.

At that time, grandpa walked in.

"What is that wonderful smell? Grandma?" he asked.

"I cooked for the Seventeen boys" I smiled proudly again.

"No food for us?" Grandpa pouted.

"hahahaha, don't worry honey, I make breakfast real soon" Grandma smiled as she started to walk towards the kitchen.

"You don't have to" I stopped her, making Grandpa look at me.

"I made breakfast to both of you" I smiled as I got up and walked towards the kitchen.

After a while, the table was filled with food.

"I made some kimchi rice with seaweed soup and grilled salmon."
"My, this is wonderful!" Grandma smiled, hugging me.
"Thank you (Y/N)" Grandpa thanked me as he sat down.

"Please enjoy your food, I am heading over to the boys now" I informed them as I walked towards my room, starting to pack everything I needed.

With my big backpack, and bags, I headed over to the Seventeen's house.

"Gosh, this is heavy.." I mumbled to myself, trying to carry all the heavy stuff by myself.
"Oh, I forgot the rest" I stopped, looking at my bags.
Well, I have to get them later I thought as I continued walking.
In surprise, I managed to take everything by myself and arrived to their house.

Including the bags that I forgot.

"Excuse me" I slowly spoke.

No response.

"Maybe they are still asleep..." I thought out loud.

As I set everything down, I heard walking inside of the house.

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