Chapter 2: City people

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Just one day had passed since we got visit on this island. That was what everyone was talking about.
I was on my way to the field when I saw a familiar figure.

"Chae?" I asked out.
"Oh (Y/N)! Long time no see!" he smiled and waved to me.
A smile spread on my mouth as I ran towards him.

He gave me a big hug and lifted me up, which caught me by surprise.
"Hey! Let me down! I am heavy now!" I laughed.

"Nono, you are still the lil girl on this island." he commented, giving me the look.
"Hey, you are just 4 years older than me!" I gently hit him on the shoulder.

"Which makes me old enough to tell you that you are still a kid." he smiled.

I let out a small laugh when I noticed the weird equipment he was carrying.

"What is all this stuff?" I asked.

"It's recording equipment" He answered.


"I am a part of a filming crew now. We are filming a reality show, so I suggested this island. They are filming right now."

"oh, so that's why we get visit.."

Chae nodded as he hit my head.

"Ow! What was that for?" I snapped.

"I heard your nickname. The island's gem?"

I nodded, as I started to scratch my arm.

"Isn't that the nickname I gave you?"

"Oh! Really?" I asked shocked.

"Yes... you forgot? I mean, didn't you tell them?"

I shaked my head.

"Mr.Kang suggested it...."
"Mr Kang... Of course.... I guess I have to talk to him about stealing other's ideas.."

Chae smiled as he gave me a small hug.

"Well, I gotta go, see you around!" Chae waved and started to walk away.

I laughed to myself as the memories started to flow in my mind.

As I was heading to my farming field, I saw some people. Unfamiliar people.

They were taking my vegetables!

"Hey! Those are mine!" I yelled, running towards the unfamiliar people.

They are probably the visiting people I thought.

The three unfamiliar people turned around, and I was facing three good looking guys.

"Oh Sorry! But we really need the vegetables." One of the boys explained.
"Why?" I asked them, putting down my equipment and crossing my hands in front of my chest.
"This guy can't eat seafood" the other one told me, pointing on the guy on the left.

"I am sorry to say it, but I put my heart and soul to this vegetables. It isn't an easy job to raise them!" I commented, in a cold tone.

"Is there anyway to convince you?" the third one, in the middle asked me.

I looked at the staff crew which made a signal and stopped filming.
"I am so sorry, but is there any way we could use your vegetables?" One of the staff asked.

I shaked my head, refuse to give up my hard work to some strangers.
After some time, the staff people stopped asking me.
As I started to smile in satisfaction, Chae appeared in front of my eyes.
"Chae? What are you doing here- well, it really doesn't matter, whats up?" I asked him.
"(Y/N) is there no other way to give them the vegetables?" he started to ask me.
"Chae, you know how hard we work to survive here. You know how much I care about my farming." I explained.
"Come on (Y/N). They need to experience the island food." he started to beg.
"then they could plant some themselves" I answered stubborn.

"We don't have time for that." Chae sighted.
"What if we trade? You make the deal." he suggested.

"Trade?" I started to think.

"Sure" I agreed with a stubborn smile.

"And, are you okay to be filmed?" Chae asked nervous.
I nodded as he ran up to the staff members.
He gave me a thumbs up and they started to record again.

One of the guys looked at me and started speaking.

"what's your name?" he asked me, making me surprised.

"M-my name is (Y/N)" I answered, dropping my hands behind my back.

"Hey, we should introduce us" he suggested and the other nodded.
"I am Seventeens Main Vocal Seungkwan" the boy with dark brown hair smiled.

"I am Seventeens Main rapper Wonwoo" the guy with round glasses bowed.

"I am Seventeens Main Vocal too, Joshua" the last one with light brown hair waved.

"Okay? Nice to meet you" I answered nervous, as I gave them a low bow.

"Can we somehow make a deal?" The guy named Joshua asked.

"Hmmm.... Okay. I heard that you guys perform?" I checked.
"Yeah, We actually   have a performance team." Seungkwan explained proudly.

"Performance team?" I asked.
"It's the one who is in charge for dancing in our group" Wonwoo explained to me.
I nodded as I continued explaining my suggestion for the deal.

"If you guys could beat our music, you can have my vegetables."
The guys looked weird at me, which I couldn't understand.

I looked over to Chae, which signalized that I had to explain further. 
"You guys show us this performance, and so will one of us. The one who gets most applause, wins.

If you guys get more applause than our Mr.Kang, you can take it."

"Deal!" Seungkwan shouted exited.

When the cameras stopped filming, I walked towards Chae.
"Chae? Is city people always this rude? trying to take other people's hard work?" I asked angry.
"No, this is just.... its just for the show. They are not bad people at all, just don't get too mad okay?"
"Sure..." I answered with a pout as I headed to the island's gathering house.

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