Chapter 6: My feelings

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Since the day of the night walk with Joshua, my head has been a mess.
We started with our singing lessons right after their recording ended.
But as the days went past, my behavior changed as my head started to get messy.

I can't focus on my work, I space out all the time and my head was filled with Joshua.

Even when we tried to practice singing together, I couldn't do it properly.

But as time went, I became more comfortable with my singing. The more I sang together with Joshua, the more I started to enjoy singing. It became fun to sing and I got the same feeling as I was dancing.
Just being able to sing out my emotions to the sky felt amazing.

After my previous lesson with Joshua, a thought striked my head.

Maybe one day my voice will reach mother and father?

Somehow the thought of my parents made me sad and how I never was able to be with them...

I started to give excuses for not go to Joshua's lessons, I stopped hanging out with Seventeen and was unable to do my work.

I couldn't sing or dance before my parents pop in my thoughts. I couldn't find any happiness in dancing anymore, neither singing.

The thought of them was enough to make me shake in fear and let tears drip from my eyes.

I spent too many nights crying myself to sleep because of my parents.

But then I reached a point when I was unable to do any of my proper work. M y grandma suggested that I should take a break for a few days. Just to sort things out.

She told me that it was important for me to have time for just me.

Like personal time.

I was lying on the floor, my eyes glued to the TV screen when I heard a sound coming from the door. A sight escaped my mouth as I got up, walking towards the door.

"Grandma? Is it you?" I asked unsure.

My feet stopped as I saw the person in the door opening.
"Hi (Y/N)" he smiled.

"Joshua" I smiled back to him.

"Is everything all right?" he asked me with worry in his voice.

"y-yeah, I am okay" I tried to sound cheerful.

"Really? We haven't seen you in the field lately. The others are worried too"

"Oh? Well, I just needed a break." I explained, trying to walk away, but Joshua stopped me.

"T-the boys wanted to see you, soo I was hoping that you could come and meet them"

Before I could answer, Joshua interrupted me.

"If you don't feel like it, I can just say that to them, don't worry!" Joshua said after giving a sad smile.

He was about to walk away, I stopped him by grabbing his sleeve.

"It's not like I don't want to meet them, but won't I ruin the filming?" I explained my worry.

"Were you worried?" Joshua asked.

I nodded in emberresment.

A smile was shown on his face.

His gentle hand was resting on top on my hand that was holding his sleeve.
"Everyone like having you around, including the staff. You have helped us a bunch in the program! If it wasn't for you, Wonwoo wouldn't have eaten any food" Joshua explained, making my worry fly away.

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