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"Now what do we do with him?" asks the potato shover with brown hair. 

"I guess we should keep him entertained until his parents come." Says the horsey

"Jean, would you mind, perhaps, playing with Eren while me and Mikasa go search, the rest of the cadets have training today with Captain Levi."

At the sound of my Levi's name I jump up in Armins lap "Wevi, Wehi, I hant mi Wehiiiiiii!" I scream as I then start to kick my bare to toes around frustrated.

"Do you know a Wehi you guys?" I look at the group of potato's but they all look comfused.  I start to bounce around until I stand from Armin's lap, he looks at me cautiously before turning back to the table trying to figure out who my 'parents' are.  I sit momentarily playing with my toes 'Fun, Tu, Tee,-"

Suddenly the door to the canteen bust open and in come my Levi, "Has anyone seen the dog." The cadets echo no's while I stand and stumble my way over to my Levi, "But Captain, we found a child this mo-" "WEVI!" I scream as I point my figure at him, most of it covered by the long brown soft thing I am wearing. 

"Who's Brat?" Ask Levi while piercing me with his eyes, I'm not scared, Levi won't hurt me.  "We have no idea sir, he was running around and we have had him ever since." Answers Armin.  "Tch, I'll handle the kid, go about your daily duties immediately." Levi picks me up in his warm arms making my giggle and cling to him.  I slide onto my back playing with my toes but looking at my Levi happily. 

"Tsk, you act just like my brat, I wonder if he is okay, what's your name kid?" 

"Brat." I answer.  Levi stiffens slightly before looking down at me with weird eyes.  Who are your parnets." He asks.  I go back to my toes ignoring him.   I don't know who my parents are, I never have.  "So youre going to ignore me Brat," I saty quiet not answering, soon I hear Levi sigh.  "Fine then I don't care stay lost for all I care." He still doesn't put me down and in fact he turns walking not back to the canteen, but somewhere else. 

He stand in front of a wood portal knocking twice before a deep voice responds and he moves to open the portal.  We enter a room with a grand desk covered in white sheets and a monster with yellow caterpillars on his face, Caterpillar Monster.   I let down a dry gulp feeling frightened, when the monster gets up I let out a big wail, "W-W-Wevi, don't lhet the Killaterpiller Mohster eat meee." Levi looks at me annoyed where as the the big monster who I was still watching from the side backed up slightly.  "Now youre just being mean Brat." I cry even harder since Levi called me mean,

I start to wriggle roughly in his arms before Levi puts me down with a glare.  I hiccup, "Stupid Wehi!" I say before kicking his legs and running out the portal down the hallway as fast as I could.  Levi didn't chase me which only made me cry harder but I continued to run because I'm not mean, Levi is mean.  But what if the caterpillar monster eats him,  I gasp drying some of my face and running back to the portal but I forgot which one it is. 


Levi's POV

Damn Brat, he has issues.  "Care to explain." Requested Erwin, I rolled my eyes.  "Not really, I'm still confused myself,  all I know is he is lost, and he is a damn brat." 

Erwin nods, "Can you please bring him back, he will stay with me until his parents are found."

"Erwin, I don't believe he likes you, like, at all." Erwin let's out a deep sigh, "Just find the boy please."

I grumble lowly but turn walking out the door instead, no point in fighting with him.  As I emerge into the hall I turn my head to the sorce of loud yips.  Brat is sitting in the middle of the hallway but is soon running up to me nipping at my pant.  "Hello Brat, have you seen another Brat child around?" Brat let's out a hmph sound as if he is offened, I roll my eyes before starting my journey for the kid.  Further down the hall I spy the shirt that the boy might have been wearing but upon picking it up, I realized it was the shirt I wrapped Brat in.  How did Brat get out of this shirt? how did he even make it this far down to Erwin's room if he only discarded it here?

I look back at Brat who is steadily playing with his tail and paws rolling around the floor.  I start to walk to the court yard, no kid.  To the Canteen, no kid.  In the library, no kid.  Seriously, where did the kid go.

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