The blondie looks hurt and I feel slightly bad for her. "Okay," she mumbles. She walks away and steps into the lift, while Abel watches. He still doesn't realise I'm there.

I start clapping my hands, which causes him to jump a little. His lips part a little and he looks shocked to see me. "So this is what you've been doing?" I ask, raising my eyebrows and folding my arms across my chest. "Fucking every girl you can."

Abel smiles. "Oh, if I was fucking every girl I could, there'd be more than one girl coming out my apartment," he tells me and I roll my eyes.

"You're disgusting," I state.

"And you're jealous," Abel retorts.

I roll my eyes and huff. Am I jealous? Kind of, but not completely. I'm just annoyed that he's fucking other girls, that's all. Can he never stick to just the one?

"I'm not jealous," I say now.

"Try saying that to your face," Abel fires back and I look at him, confused. "You're jealous." He starts smirking. "It's okay, Tay, you can have me all to yourself tonight."

"Ugh, no thanks," I say. "God knows what kind of STD's you've caught." Abel starts chuckling to himself, but the humour isn't in his eyes. I fold my arms across my chest. "I don't want to fuck you anymore."

Abel rolls his eyes. "For fuck's sake, Taylor!" he snaps. "Can you stop acting like a jealous little girl right now?"

"Little?" I echo, feeling the anger build up.

"Yes!" Abel shouts. "I don't know why you're so jealous, anyway! It's not like we're in a relationship!"

"I know that!" I snap.

"You know what? Fuck it. I don't want to waste my breath on a little girl." Abel walks back into his apartment and slams the door shut, while I just stand there.

Little, huh? I'll show him just how 'little' I am.


I knock at Taylor's door. I feel bad for shouting at her earlier today and I just want to make up with her. She comes to the door a couple of seconds later, breathless.

Her face twists into a scowl when she sees it's me. "Oh, you," she says bitterly.

"Yeah - me," I say. "Expecting someone else?"

"No," Taylor answers. "What do you want?"

"Can I come in?" I ask and she holds the door open for me. She shuts the door and I notice that she's wearing a silk robe. Her lacy red bra and underwear are visible and she pulls the robe tighter across her body. "I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier, okay?" I say to her and she just stares at me with a blank expression. "I didn't mean what I said. Well, kind of - you were acting jealous." Taylor rolls her eyes and I tilt my head and look at her. "Are you jealous?"

Taylor sighs. "I'm not jealous, Abel," she says. "I just . . . this may sound selfish, but I don't want you to fuck anyone else."

I sigh and think about what she's saying. She doesn't want me to fuck anyone else? That's what I always do anyway. I don't stick with just the one girl. Maybe I can make an exception for her. "Okay," I say after a long time. "I won't fuck anyone else. You can just be my one and only fuck buddy." As long as I'm getting sex, I'm fine, I guess. "But if there's a time when I really need you and you're not there, I'm gonna go and fuck someone else."

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