7 Minutes in Heaven

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I woke up in the morning, groaned, and reached my hand out to close the curtains.

But someone beat me to it.

Jack closed the curtains for me, and I sat up on my bed.

He quickly grabbed a plate of (F/F) and (F/Dessert) and put it on my lap, and put a glass of (F/D) on my bedside table. (#goals)

I looked at him questionably. "What's all this for?"

"It's my way of apologizing to you for everything that happened last night." Jack replied.

"Mk. Thanks." I said and ate (F/F).

Jack flew out, and by the time he came back in, I was done eating my food and dessert, and was sipping on (F/D).

He grabbed the plate, flew out, and then flew back in a second later.

I shifted over on my bed a bit, and Jack sat beside me.

I put my glass on my beside table, and lay my head on his chest.

"You know you didn't have to do all of that, right?" I said.

"Yup. But I wanted to. And plus, this is just the beginning." Jack replied.

After a minute or two, I stood up and stretched, and did my morning routine. (Btw let's just say your wearing a button-up shirt....) Although Jack combed my hair for me....

After that, we both flew out, and saw that everyone was sitting in a circle on the floor, with cups of hot coco in their hands, and a pack of marshmallows in the middle.

Me and Jack sat with them, and he handed me a cup.

"What are you all doing here, sitting on the floor?" I asked them.

"Guess who decide to make it colder today." North replied.

"Jack, why can't you just make it a bit less cold." Kendall pleaded, but Jack shook his head with a smirk.

"What's down cannot be undone." Jack said, and Tooth gave him a look '-.-'.

"We all know you can reverse it mate." Bunny sighed, and Sandy nodded but Jack shrugged.

"Well, who said I wanted to?"

I chuckled, and took a sip of hot choco.

"What do you guys wanna do now?" Kendall asked, and Sandy shrugged in reply.

"And we are not playing Truth or Dare...." Tooth said, and Jack pouted.

"Hey, I have an idea!" I exclaimed, and everyone looked at me. "Let's play 7 minutes in heaven!"

Tooth groaned and put her heads in her hands, and Kendall's eyes widened.

"Nonononono!!" Kendall exclaimed, and waved her hands around. "There is no way I'm playing that game...." she stood up, did a peace sign, and flew to her room.

Sandy speed walked away, and North awkwardly stood up, and walked to his office.

"Wait, what's 7 minutes in heaven?" Bunny asked.

Jack Frost x Reader~ My Snowflake {Wattys2017}Where stories live. Discover now