North, Tooth, Bunny and Sandy all noticed I was acting strange, when I would nod off during guardian meetings. Ok they can't really blame me for that one because those meetings are sooo boring. They even put Sandy to sleep, but what concerns them is the fact that every time I start drifting off I'm usually standing up and tend to lose my balance; the grip on my staff is to weak and I topple over. 

I usually get right back up, dust myself off and tell them I'm fine. But once or twice I couldn't get back up and have woken up in one of North's spare rooms in the Workshop. He tells me I had slept for the whole day and that it was past sunset. They all worry for me but I tell them I'm fine and to drop the subject.

But I'm not fine.

The Man In The Moon once again isn't talking to me and I don't want to worry North, Tooth, Sandy and especially Bunny with this stupid problem I've developed. Maybe I'm just stressed, though I'm not sure what I have to be stressed about. I am the guardian of fun!

But that's not all. There is something I've made sure no one else knew about because if the Guardians found out I really don't know what they would do.

I've noticed I have been running a temperature or fever. I know, I know it's not really that much of a big deal but hear me out. I am not sick. I have never been sick. I can not possibly get sick. So what is it then?

It only happens at night when I'm awake. It's tolerable at first but by the time it hits midnight, it feels like I'm being roasted alive. The last few hours of the night are the most unbearable. I have no choice but to flee to some place really cold like Antarctica and then I'm forced to strip down to my boxes because I'm sweltering in my hoodie.

Slowly I'm being choked by this over whelming heat. It feels like it's under my skin and my lungs burn when I try to breath. I can't do anything except just lie there half buried in the arctic snow gasping for breath trying to survive until sunrise. 

You think because I have become kind of nocturnal, that I could do my guardian jobs of bringing fun and snow to children at night when I'm awake. Well let me tell you, You Were Wrong!

I know what you're probably thinking "This is major! Jack, you stupid boy, tell the Guardians! This has been happening for weeks why aren't you telling the others! You could die for all you know!"

The reason for this is simple. I am and always will be a loner. Alone for 300 years and detached from people. I had to fix my own problems, by my self. This is no different. As much as I love them I can't depend on North, Bunny, Sandy and Tooth to help me every time something goes wrong.

'Oi!' I heard a loud shout. 'Jack, mate? Wake Up! Oh you betta not be dead!' Bunny's voice was loud and his Australian accent thick. Slowly opening my eyes I saw Bunny kneeling over me with his hands on my shoulders, shaking me violently.

'Huh?' I said blinking my eyes rapidly the sunlight binding me. 'Umm, what, what's going on, B-Bunny?' I asked, still a little stunned.

'You tell me mate? One minute you're sittin in that tree and the next you're on the ground asleep or unconscious or somthin.' Bunny said as he helped me to my feet.

'There is nothing wrong with me I..I..just fell, that's all, nothing's wrong.' Convincing him was hard and I could clearly see I was failing.

What was he doing here anyway? We all know Bunnymund hates the cold and snow and frost and ice! Everything fun! But this is my pond and winter has just begun... Kind of.... Without my powers, this winter is looking really pathetic.

Wait how did he know I was in that tree? Unless... he was watching me?! Ok... I'm kinda creeped out now.

'Bunny, what are you doing here and how did you know I was in that tree? Were you watching me?' I accused pointing my staff at him weekly.

Heatstroke (Jack Frost, Rise of the Guardians, Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now