Chapter 19

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2 months later
Josh's POV
Today me and Maya are getting married. I am beyond excited. We didn't see each other yesterday. It was torture. While we are in our honeymoon everyone is going to take turns watching the twins. For the honeymoon we are going to Hawaii. I've never been and neither has Maya so we thought why not. We are getting married in less than 3 hours. I'm nervous and over joyed. My dad Cory and Shawn Lucas Farkle are all there and we are getting ready.
Maya's POV
I was getting married in 2 hours I still had so much to do. I needed my hair done my makeup done and then get to the church.
K: Alright girls time to get ready
M:coming. Ok so Riley your in charge of hair. Vanessa makeup. And smackle get my dress and shoes ready. Mom you can get ready
We all stared getting ready. Riley curled my hair. Vanessa put on some natural makeup.
S:your dress is done
I slipped into my dress. And my shoes. When I came out they were all wearing there dresses. (All the dresses are in the chapter where they went dress shopping)
R:Maya josh dropped this off

R: and he said and I quote "this should be the only thing under Maya's dress"I rolled my eyes and put the garter on

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R: and he said and I quote "this should be the only thing under Maya's dress"
I rolled my eyes and put the garter on. Then someone knocked on the door.
S:can I come in
M:yea come on in
S:Maya you look beautiful
S:alright bridesmaids go pair up with ur men
S,V,R: going
My mom left the room with them.
S:you ready
M:born ready
S:lets go
We walked to the edge of the door that's when the music started. I walked down the aisle with my arm linked with my dad's arm. When we got to josh my dad let go and josh took my hand.
Then mr.feeny started.
Mr.F: we are gathered here today to witness the wedding of Joshua Matthews and Maya Hunter.
If anyone objects to this marriage please speak now or forever hold your peace.
Mr.F: they have prepared their own vows josh you may start
J:Maya I met you on Christmas and you had the biggest crush on me. But I always said I was to old for you because I was hiding my feelings.  When we went to the ski lodge and you said that you liked Lucas something told me that I had to tell you. When I told I agreed that we would be together someday. And here we are this is our someday. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you.
M:Josh from the day I met you I had the biggest crush on you. But I turned into Riley for a little bit and I didn't think I liked you like that. You were a big help in helping me finding me again. When I was me again I knew that it was you I liked. When you told me you liked me and we agreed on our someday that was all I ever thought about I never once liked or even looked at another guy. I love you so much and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
Mr.F:Joshua Matthews do you take Maya Hunter to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold in sickness and in health until death do you part
J: I do
Mr.F:Maya do you take Josh to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold in sickness and in health until death do you part
M:I do
Mr.F:then by the power vested in me I now pronounce  you husband and wife you may kiss the bride
We quickly kissed and started walking out of the church.
Josh's POV
J:are you going to change into your other dress for the reception
M:yea I need to go to the hotel room and change them we can come back
J:ok let's go
We got into the limo and drove to the hotel. She changed into the second dress and we walked out. We drove to the place where the reception was everyone was sitting down. Then the dj announced us.
DJ:for the first time please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Matthews
We walked in and everyone was clapping we sat down at our table.
Later that night
It was time for Maya and I's first dance together. We had chosen a song that wasn't a romantic song but a song we both enjoyed. It was Shape Of You.
First all the groomsmen and bridesmaids started dancing. Then Me and maya waked in they left and then when it said "boy lets not talk to much" while Maya walked closer to me she was swaying her hips. Then it said " grab on my waist and put that body on me"I grabbed her waist then we were dancing until the song was over. WS had a lot fun then everyone sent us away on our honeymoon.

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