Random A/N Fun Fact: If you wear elytra while constantly going up 40 degrees, and down 40 degrees, you can get infinite flight. Of course, it kinda annoying with all the coordinates in the way...

We each took an elytra, although struggled to get them on. They attached to the shoulders, and were really uncomfortable when wearing armor. I looked down. "Will this work?" I said, ever so slightly nervous about jumping off.

"It'll be fine," Kitsune assured.

"Easy for you to say! You have wings!" Petra yelled.

"Fine. I'll show you the easiest way to get the hang of it," she said. I thought I saw a glint of mischief in her eyes, but it was gone in an instant.

"Okay..." Axel trailed off.

"So, first, line up near the edge," she said. We all followed suit, standing in front of her.

I realized what she was about to do a second too late. "Second, just relax and glide!" she yelled, shoving us straight off.

Third Person POV. (I don't feel like writing in an OC's POV)

Rush, Purple Person, Morgan, and Mizuko all landed in a heap after jumping through the portal.

"Y'know, sometimes I wish these portals wouldn't drop us on the ground," Purple Person groaned.

"Don't we all," Rush sighed, remembering every single time she'd crashed into the ground through the Two Moons portal. They really needed to add a pool of water there or something.

Morgan untangled her wings from the others, shaking out a few loose feathers. "This is a cool place," she said, looking around.

The ground under them was grass, although it seemed to be tinged slightly bluer than usually grass. There also seemed to be a lot more waterfalls, some falling from the sky, some in cliffs.

"Soooooo...do you know where Celestia is?" Purple Person asked, looking around.

"Griffin said we would recognize her when we saw her..." Mizuko said, trailing off.

"Then let's explore!" Morgan yelled enthusiastically. "Mizuko and I'll see if there's anything we can see anything from above, and you guys can look from below."

The others agreed, and then set off at a brisk pace.

"Isn't it weird how there's like nobody here?" Mizuko asked, playing with a ball of water in her hands.

"I know right?" Morgan replied.

"Is it just me? Or is the ground kinda getting squishy?" Rush asked.

"No, it's not you. I feel it too," Purple Person replied.

"Shouldn't we stop and check around us?" Rush said, taking another hesitant step.

Big mistake.

Her foot went straight down, the rest of her body sinking up to her waist, slowing sinking into the mud. "Purple! HELP!!!"

"Hang on!" Purple Person started to move forwards, only to fall in too. "Crap..."

By now, Morgan and Mizuko had noticed them, and both headed down. "Grab on!" Mizuko yelled, taking Purple Person's hand, Morgan grabbing Rush's. They flapped backwards, desperately trying to pull out their friends. However, the mud stuck tight, clinging on to Purple and Rush.

"Mizuko? Can't you, like, control the water in the mud?" Morgan asked, panicked.

"Yeah, but then they would still be stuck, because the earth would literally hold them in," she replied.

They pulled harder. "I get that you're trying to help us, but can you please refrain from pulling my arm off?" Rush joked, despite the circumstances.

"Well sorry!" Morgan replied.

Rush and Purple Person continued to sink, the mud now right under their chest. "This isn't working!"

Suddenly, they noticed two more people appeared from the edge, cautiously making their way to them.

"Do you guys need help?!" one yelled. She had raven black hair with a pink headband, and was wearing a yellow sweater and light blue jeans. Her companion had medium length dark brown hair, a black and navy blue striped shirt, and gray boots. A black and white cat sat behind her.

"Our friends are stuck, can you help us get them out?" Morgan yelled.

"Give us a sec!" The latter climbed a tree hanging over the ooze, and grabbed a vine, tossing it to the two in the mud. "Grab on!"

Both tied the vine around them, then gave a thumbs up. "Alright, three, two, one......PULL!!!!!"

They pulled as hard as they could, two with wings, one with a vine, and one with her own powers. There was a loud sucking sound, and Rush and Purple Person came flying out of the deathtrap, covered in mud.

"Whew! Thanks," Purple Person said gratefully.

"Umm... who are you?" Mizuko asked the newcomers.

Don't worry, I'm not killing anyone. Yet. I know I forgot the Steve and Alex update, I'll do that first next chapter.

Watched (a MCSM fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें