6 | Dirty Polo

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As soon as Astra got to her bedroom after the encounter with Charlie, she opened one of her suitcases and grabbed her sex toys from inside. She flung herself onto the bed and touched her swollen clit, which was hot and ready and demanding attention. Her pussy was dripping wet.

Astra didn't need to do much. She placed the vibrator on top of her clit and stuck two fingers inside of herself and felt her legs quiver. She came fast and had a violent orgasm just thinking about him, and laid breathlessly on her bed afterwords.

She needs to fuck him. Fast.

She met him yesterday and the man is already driving her crazy. She honestly doesn't understand why he just doesn't give in to her already. Her advances are painfully straightforward, and she made it clear that she wants him. For God's sake, she stuck her bare ass on the air in front of him. How much clearer can one be? 

At half past eight someone knocked on the door of the bedroom, disturbing Astra from her nap. She covered her naked body with the silk sheets and shouted, "Come in!"

The door opened and Jane entered the bedroom, and crossed the living space towards the bed where Astra observed her movements.

"Good morning my lady-" 

"Astra." Astra said, bothered by the use of her title.

"I'm sorry." Jane smiles and continues, "Here's the schedule for today. There's an important polo charity match that the whole family has to attend today."

Astra grabs the piece of paper and looks at everything  in the schedule, and an idea pops into her head.

"Is Lord Lennox coming too?" She asks innocently at Jane.

"Yes, he's also attending."


After applying the last coat of mascara on her lashes Astra took a last look at herself and once she was pleased with how she looked she got up from her vanity. The white dress she wore was all lace and cut outs, with a plunging neckline. It was daring and saintly at the same time.

Astra left her gigantic bedroom with matching hat in hand and went downstairs, her heels clicking on the marble floor as she walked. She grabbed the gilded rails of the grand staircase and descended into the main room of the manor, where everyone was waiting for her.

Charles took a look at the girl and nearly lost his breath. The teenager was a vision with her white dress and light blonde hair. Her legs moved down the stairs as he stared, and the stilettos she wore made them seem even longer than usual. She looked like an angel on earth.

He looked away before anyone noticed, but her image stuck inside his head as if it was burned into his brain.

"Ready?" Lord Kensington asked his daughter, and Astra nodded.

The party moved towards the massive open door and once they were outside Astra saw two Range Rovers parked near the steps.

"Lord and Lady Kensington are going to ride in one of the cars while Lady Astra and Lord Lennox will go on the other one." Jane informed, and Astra held her smile.

Oh, this is too easy.

Astra walked towards the car behind Charles and looked at his ass appreciatively. Like a proper gentleman, he opened the door for her and waited until she sat on the leather seat to close it and walk towards the other side of the door. He sat next to her and looked forward, not daring to take a look at her.

Astra could smell his perfume; masculine and sexy. Just like him. She tapped her fingers impatiently on the seat beneath her, waiting for the car to move. Once they were outside of the Estate and the car was a comfortable distance from her parents', Astra started planning on what to do next.

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