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After the game, we drove home, and ate lunch. It was a the kind of hot day that makes you want to crawl in bed with the ac on and sleep. But there was work to do. We had to water the garden. Turn on the misters for the horses, we had to get the chickens in the coop, and close the windows so that the low powered fan could cool them down. There was a lot to do. But, with 8 hands, it went a lot faster. Pretty soon the sun was setting and the horses were feed, misted, and watered. The chickens in the shade, and cooled. The day's work was done, now the night's work had to be done. I had to walk around the whole property and turn on the lights. Jt had to clean his pirate ship tree thingy. Rick and Mimi had to go check on the dogs.

As I turned on the lights, I looked up into the sky. I saw all of the stars, the million other worlds. The black night sky was light up by the moon and stars. Dimly lighted. In the distance the only disturbance I could hear, the zumba classes going on. The neighbors did zumba classes in the garage, even though it's not legal. On the second floor, rooms have been rented out. They rented out rooms to anyone, robbers, drunks, criminals. And the owners husband, even though handicapped, was forced to live in the shed out back, and do all the manince. We tired a couple of times to shut it down, but they were always one step ahead. Frowning, I kicked a rock in their direction. It land next to the house, along with the others I have kicked over the years. My goal was to kick into the window while a cass is going on. But, the distance is just too much. I continued to turn on all the lights.


The sun streamed down from the window into my face as i moved off of the air mattress. I slid off and walked outside to let out the chickens. Out front, a truck zoomed by at what looked like over 100 miles. I balled up my fist and scream, "Rest In Peaces!" The chickens looked at me and cocked their heads. I walked back inside to find everyone else up.

"What was that about?" Mimi asked.

"Oh," I replied grabing my book not looking up,"Just an idiot who will have only parts of his body in his grave. And parts of his truck."

"Was it that same truck again?" rick asked sitting at the table reading the paper.

"Yup" I replied. I sat down in the chair in the side room. The chair that was perfectly position so that when the sun streaming in it warms your skin, and you get a great view of the horse pasture. Jt was sitting on the couch across from me, talking to Mom and Dad on the phone. They moved into the house yesterday and today we are going to see it for the first time.

After breakfast, we both packed our bags, this time the dirty laundry was in my bag. As Jt shoved the dirty clothes in my bag, I folded both of our clothes and put them in his bag. We each dragged our bags to the car. Rick and Mimi jumped into the car, well, more like got in it but... still. When we got to our new house, I noticed that there still was moving people moving stuff in. Mom was out around pulling weeds and Dad was cleaning the dirt bikes in the garage. We jumped out of the car and ran to hug them both. The house was bigger then I remembered. Mom told me that I would get a room just for my books. We each have our own rooms, and there's even a guest room. Later, I learned that my room was right next to the bathroom, so every time the toilet flushed, it gurgled. Good thing that the closet was there to muffle it a little. That night as I lay in bed, the moon shining down, I felt lonely. Minnie, my dog was curled up against my side, asleep.

In the morning, I️ took Minnie outside she so can go to the bathroom. I️ was the first one up so I️ had to try to be quite. I️ opened the fridge, which thankfully was put together last night. I️ looked for bowls but couldn't find any. So I️ settled on a cup with my Fruit Pebbles. I️ sat down outside on the patio. The furniture was just thrown out here. I️ picked one chair up and sat in it. Minnie jumped on my lap and feel back asleep. 

It's going to take some getting used to for sure  I thought as I looked round the kitchen. Change is good. Right? I don't know anymore. Change has always been hard for me. I remember only a month ago, all of my friends told my dad they dont want me to leave. They all tried so hard. They didn't give up until my last day at that school. 

SCHOOL! I have to start a new school! I have to start all over. I heard Dad coming down stairs. 

"Mornin' baby." Dad says.


"How'd you sleep?"

"Okay I guess."

"What's wrong?"

"It's just, change is hard. I don't like change."

"I know baby" he says as he pulls me in a hug,"You don't have to start until next Wednesday. You get a week off, and you will start on a short day. Does that sound good?"

"Yeah. Sure."

"Hey, Look at me," He says as he lifts my chin up," "It's going to take some getting used to for sure, but we'll make it work. This neighborhood is quiter, not everyone has a party every night, we're good. Hey, why don't you take Minnie for a walk? Explore a little?"

"Okay. I'll go get her leash." I stand up and start to walk towards the stairs, then stop and ask, "Wait, what box would it be in? "Dogs stuff" or "Dogs"?"

"Uhhhh... dont know."

I sigh and go up stairs to my room. I get dressed after looking through three different boxes with clothes in it. I walk back down stairs to the family room and look through both of the Dog boxes. I find Minnie's leash and harness. I quickly go through the other box to try and find her poop bags and pop-up water dish. I grab my phone off the table, that I know where it is at least. 

"And don't forget to take Roxie!" Dad yells. 

"But! I have to drag her inside after the walk!"

"She needs exercise!"


I go through the boxes again to find her a leash, any leash, which just so happens to be Dave's old leash. Dave was our yellow lab who died when I was five. So the leash is made of thick rope. I clip it on Roxie, our Border Collie, who we found alone in the desert. We tried to find her owners ever since we found her. Minnie, is my chihuahua. They both run out the door and pull me down the sidewalk. I don't know where I'm going, but 5 minutes later, I find myself t a park. And my school is right next to it. I see kids playing on the playground and teachers plowing whistles. A bell rings and everyone lined up. Adults I'm guessing that are the teachers take them inside. Its quite. Just like that. Everyone was having fun, then the bell rang. That fast. All in about two minutes of me arriving at the park. I let Minnie and Roxie off leash to play with a german Shepard who's also at the park. I spend about an hour at the park before Mom texts me to come home. I clip the leashes on Minnie and Roxie, then realize that I don't know how to get home. Thankfully, I remember my address so I type it in my phone. When I get home, Uncle Dale and Dad are in the backyard. Everyone's awake now.

"Where'd you go?" mom asks as she unpacks the kitchen.

"To the park. It's right next door to the school."

"Oh." She says. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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