Chapter 12: Date Night Number Two

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Hermione was once again nervous. Each night was more and more nerve racking. She didn't know who they were going to send out next. All she knew was she hoped Ron would be the last one. The next night, Hermione once again found herself waiting for her next date to arrive. She looks a little surprised to see who had come around the corner. "Harry.." She muttered.

Harry gave her a small smile as he approached her, not sure why but feeling suddenly nervous. Hermione was his best friend. And his other best friend's ex. He couldn't date her. That would seem awkward to him. "Hermione.. Hey.."

There was a few things Hermione wanted to speak with Harry about. But she couldn't. Not while they were being filmed. They were things she wanted to say just between the two of them. She takes a deep breath. "I thought it would be good for to stay at the hotel here for dinner. I managed to find someone who wouldn't mind making us a meal. And then maybe perhaps we could go for a swim?" Hermione bit her lip momentarily. This is awkward. She thought.

Harry nodded hearing what Hermione had planned. "Oh.. Yeah.. Yeah.. Sure. That works perfectly for me." He gave Hermione a smile. He was quite glad they were staying in as he wasn't one much for going out either. Harry of course had questions for Hermione as well. But they were questions that couldn't be asked on camera.

Hermione smiled in return. "Great. The dinner won't be ready for about a half an hour yet. So I thought we could go for a small walk?" Harry nodded. "I think that sounds like a great idea." He slowly extends his hand and Hermione slowly extends hers to accept Harry's offer. The two of them make their way out of the building.

As the two exited out, Ron had happened to walk over to his window. Spotting the two of them walking along the path and talking. He watched the two figures as they walked away from his view giving them a small glare. He knew that it was something that had to be done. For the show purpose. And that Harry wouldn't intentionally. Knowing what Ron was thinking. But he couldn't help but think it. Ron was always jealous of Harry. For the simple fact, that Hermione and Harry had always been close. In fact, Hermione seemed to be closer to Harry then she ever had been with him. Even when they were together.

"So.. I heard from Luna that you had moved to London? You and Ginny are roommates?" Hermione looked a bit surprised at Harry. "You've met up with Luna?" She asked giving a small smile. She hadn't seen Luna since she came to Ginny's that one weekend. And she hadn't heard from her since either. She had meant to send her an owl. But with finding out about that she would be coming on to this show, things got busy.

"Yeah I ran into her a few weeks ago. She was in town for a case pertaining to her work. She mentioned as well that she spent a weekend with you and Ginny." "Yeah.." Hermione smiled. "It was good to see her again. I've heard from her through letters of course. Since she had been busy traveling with work. But I haven't heard from her since..." She stopped mid sentence as she couldn't say battle on film. But obviously she knew Harry would know what she was talking about. He nodded. "She is seeing someone now. She said she met him from work." He grinned a little. Hermione laughed. "She told us a little about meeting him. When I get a chance and she's free, I would love to go visit Luna and meet him." Harry grinned back. "Well, I already told her that if he tried to pull anything on her that he had me to answer to. And I told her to pass that message on to him." Hermione laughed giving Harry a playful nudge. "You did not. That isn't your style. Don't scare him off too quickly Harry!" Harry chuckles. "Hey.. It's my job as the best friend." "I thought I was her best friend." Hermione teased. "Guy best friend." Harry corrected. Hermione chuckles. "Alright. I'll take that.."

As Hermione and Harry came back around towards the hotel entrance, she glanced at the time and smiled. "We should be right on time." Harry grinned. "Great. I'm getting hungry." Hermione chuckled as she watched Harry making his way towards the door and opening it allowing for her to walk in first. "Thank you." Harry nodded following her inside and closing the door behind him. "You are welcome."

Harry walks with Hermione towards the dining room area. "I was right. We are right on time." Hermione smiled walking with Harry over to the table. Harry places his hands on the chair and pulls it out for Hermione to sit down. "Thank you." She smiled sitting down and pulling her chair up to the table as Harry made his way around to sit down as well. Sitting in his chair after he saw Hermione was seated first.

Seeing that the two of them made their way back, Ron slowly exited out of his room and made his way downstairs to get a better glimpse of what Harry and Hermione were up to. "You know.. I thought this would be more awkward.. But. This isn't as bad as I thought it would be." Ron heard Harry say as he rounded the corner but stayed hidden to listen in. Hermione raises her eye glancing at Harry. "Really?" She smiled. "Well.. This hasn't been as bad as I thought it would either. I assumed with us being friends for so long.. It would be awkward too. But it had been fun catching up with you." Harry smiled in return. "Yes.. It has.."

As Harry heard some music begin to play quietly in the background, he looked hesitant a moment. "I don't suppose you'd be up for a dance?" He asked standing up and slowly making his way over to Hermione and extending his hand to her. Hermione placed her hand in Harry's and stands up noticing they were fairly close together as she did. Harry smiled then turned directions to make his way towards the floor.

"It's been awhile since I've danced. I might be a bit rusty." Hermione raises her eye. "I am sure you will do just fine." Harry lets his arms wrap around Hermione's waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck in return before slowly starting to sway along to the music.

Ron took a few deep breaths to calm down. He couldn't lose it on set. He quickly rushed off back up to his room and paced back and forth. He needed to come up with a plan and fast. He couldn't let Hermione be stolen from him. He had to win her back somehow. And he was going to do just that on his date with Hermione.

"I guess it looks like I best be starting to go back to the room." Hermione said glancing at the clock after they had been dancing for a little while. Harry bit his lip momentarily. He was having fun. Fun he hadn't had in awhile. He suddenly realized he didn't quite want this night to end yet. He gave a small nod of his head trying not to look too disappointed. "Of course. I am sure the day tomorrow will be rather busy." Harry slowly let go of Hermione so they could walk back to the rooms. He slowly let his hand slip over Hermione's and was surprised when she wrapped her hand around his in return as they walked back to the room.

"Goodnight Harry." Hermione said glancing up at him as she came a stop to her room. He smiled giving her hand a small squeeze. "Good night Hermione." He slowly leaned forward taking a chance by giving her a kiss on the top of her forehead. Hermione closed her eyes momentarily before glancing back up at him as she felt him pull away. "Goodnight Harry." Harry watched as Hermione opens her door and disappears behind it, before turning to make his way back to his own room.

Harry suddenly felt a bit strange as he made his way back into the room to get ready for bed. He never considered Hermione to be more than friends. But after tonight. He wasn't quite sure what to think. Yet, he knew he couldn't make it too much of anything. He didn't want to make things difficult between her, or himself, or with Ron and Ginny. He crawled in bed laying on his back and stared up at the ceiling. Letting out a small sigh as he tried to think. Finally closing his eyes as he drifted off to sleep.

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