Love Song

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So this is gonna be a Colifer one shot. It's gonna be about Colin and Jen filming the musical episode.
I hope you like it!

Jen's POV

Today was our first day of shooting the musical episode. I'm kind of nervous because I don't sing a lot. Well in the shower but that doesn't really count.

It was early morning and I was on my way to set. I picked up two coffees at Starbucks just like I always do. When I arrived I headed towards Colin's trailer with the two coffees in my hands. I didn't knock. Obviously because I had my hands full but also because I just never knock. He knows I don't. I did catch him without a shirt once but you won't hear any complaints from me. I awkwardly opened the door of Colin's trailer with my elbow and closed it behind me. Colin was sitting on his couch with a paper in his hands that looked like a script. He didn't notice me. Suddenly he started humming a song. And then he started singing. I just stood there amazed by his voice with the two coffees in my hands. I didn't want to say anything but eventually I had to so I cleared my throat.

'Jen?' Colin says after he stopped singing. 'How long have you been standing there?' He asks blushing.

'Long enough.' I laugh. 'It was really good you can keep going if you want.' I say genuinely.

'Well thanks but I need coffee first.' He took one of the coffees from me and kissed my cheek. Sure it was a friendly gesture but I started blushing like an idiot.

'I should ehm... get going.' I stutter. 'Bye Colin.'

'Bye Jen see you later!' He says before I leave his trailer. That was embarrassing.

During the past weeks I've had my own vocal coach. Just like the other cast members who had to sing. First I had to record my solo at the studio and then I would sing it again while filming the scene. Colin would be there. Or would he?

I headed towards the music studios where I saw Ginny and Josh.

'Hey Jen!' Ginny squeals excitedly before hugging me tight.

'How's my favorite daughter doing?' Josh asks laughing.

'She's good. A little nervous though.' I say.

'You'll be fine.' Ginny says reassuringly. 'I believe in you, Jen.' She smiles.

'Me too.' Josh says placing his hand on my shoulder. 'You'll blow them away.'

After they left I'm greeted by a kind lady who gives me instructions on how to use the microphone and all that.

After an hour I'm done. I think it went well. At least I hope it went well.

The 'best' is yet to come. I get my make up done and my 'Emma clothes' while all the crew members kept telling me that I'll do a great job and that I didn't have to worry. I can tell you one thing. It didn't help me to calm down my nerves.

My solo took place in the mayor office. The song I had to sing was really emotional. It's about Emma's journey. From ugly duckling to swan.

When I head inside everyone is already there. Everyone. Including Colin O'donoghue.

'Ah Jen there you are!' Adam says. Adam and Eddie are usually not there while we're filming but apparently for the musical episode they made an exception.

Everyone said their lines and then it was for me to sing. I don't know why I was so nervous because I practiced a lot and I know no one will judge if something goes wrong. The music started playing and I started singing. The high notes went surprisingly well. When I was finished I was planning to go to my trailer before anyone would talk to me. I was almost there when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. I turned around.

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