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Five Years before

“'re just not my kind of girl, Jeanie. I'm really sorry things just cannot work out between us. I've decided to stay in my marriage...”

“Hear that?!” Stacy squeaked as she stared at the answering machine with disgust.

“Yes Stace, I think we all heard that the fifth time you played the message. Then the sixth and then there was the seventh... Why do you keep playing that?!” Jeanie cried, exasperated.

“Because, Jeanie, you never learn.” Stacy shot Jeanie, who was seated on the sofa with a large bowl of chocolate chip ice cream in her laps and a box of tissue beside her, a look. “I cannot believe this is happening to you again. What, this is the seventh year?” Stacy rose a brow.

Jeanie sighed, her gaze lowering to the bowl of ice cream in her laps. Once again, she was back to the same spot; no boyfriend, no life and a job she despised. Seeing as she didn't have many friends, she was left with no choice but to call up Stacy to be her 'mourn buddy'. Stacy, however, was turning out to be more of a torturer than a buddy and Jeanie wasn't sure how much longer she could take any of it.

“So, in seven year, you've been dumped by seven guys.” Stacy made her way across the room and sat beside Jeanie. She held up a finger. “Boyfriend number one, high school, backstabbing rogue who took your heart and dumped you on prom night. The same night he ended up taking Anna to the prom, leaving you sitting home with a bowl of ice cream in your laps and a tissue by your side.”

She held up a second finger. 

“Boyfriend number two, college professor, thankfully, you found out he was married the day he dumped you in an expensive hotel room out of town that I ended up having to pay the bills for because you, Jeanie are always broke and guess what, you failed his paper.”

She held up a third finger.

“The third boyfriend; smooth talking, rich dude who's looking for the perfect girlfriend. Turns out, when it comes to his parents, you do not fit the profile.”

Holding up a fourth finger, “Fourth boyfriend, Jeanie, broke and has absolutely nothing to offer but somehow manages to still dump you and accuses you of slowing his life down.”

Her fifth finger snapped up.

“Fifth man, I actually thought this could be a good guy, I mean he was a smooth talker and he did have everybody fooled until he stole your money and ran off with a red head...”

Jeanie released a frustrated grunt. “I'm cursed, we get it, Stacy!”

“Oh, no we don't, Jeanie, I'm not done yet!”

“But I am!” Jeanie struggled to her feet but Stacy pulled her back down.

Holding up one finger of her left hand, “Number six was hilarious. I really do wonder how he managed to survive a year in a relationship that was doomed from the start. I'll bet he was illiterate.” Stacy laughed. Turning to Jeanie, “now this, even I didn't see boyfriend number seven being married. You, Jeanie, have managed to be with two married men, two losers, a thief, a liar and a rich snub.”

Jeanie's eyes were plain worn out from crying and hearing Stacy go over the list of all the men she had been with in the past seven years, exhausted her further. She ran her hands down her face.

Never Ever Gonna Happen (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz