"You can take the candies and such but leave this jam to me." He uttered throwing the jar up and catching it with hands multiple times. Jimin glared at the guy.

"But I bought that! You can't just take it away!"

"Oh yes I can! Watch me kid." Namjoon grinned and opened the lid of the jar, dipping his finger on the liquid and licking it after. "Mm still love the taste of jam! And you will never know what that sweet taste is!" He laughed evilly.

"I swear hyung! I will! I WILL!" Jimin raised his fist up in the air like someone who was determined to win a big award.

"I'm always watching the jam kid, always watching." Jimin shivered and retrieved his hand from the air. 'Well, that was creepy. Good luck sleeping tonight Jimin.' He thought.

"P-Psh! Yeah like I should believe that." The young lad rolled his eyes and bent down to grab the bag of candies that fell down.

"You're really feisty Park! I wish you would show that to the media and I don't know- to all of the people. You're really quiet when other people are around- except for the people you know." Namjoon shrugged his shoulders.

"You know very well that I don't like cameras nor people."

"But your parents literally live for the camera, even your- brother." He paused and looked down for a bit. Jimin lifted a brow at this.

"So? After all of these years! My family was known for their acting, their singing and even their talent for writing!" He sighed. "But me? I want to do the one thing that my family never once achieved-!"

"Oh boy! Not this again!" Namjoon face palmed but Jimin ignored his remark and continued his moment.

"That thing that I will succeed on doing! And will shower it to the world!"

"Somebody stop him please!" The older boy cried.

"The world will know me as Park Jimin, the world's famous--"

"Kill me now!"


"That's it! I'm so done with this!" Namjoon said while slowly taking a step backward. Jimin frowned and stuck his tongue out to him.

"Why do all of you think that I can't rap? I can! Just not yet... but I try my best to learn you know!" The boy snapped at the guy who only sighed in defeat. "What about you hyung? You can rap! But why won't you teach me!"

"Believe me Jimin, I wish but you're hopeless." He replied. "Why can't just be like your parents? Acting is great! Or be more like your b- nevermind."

"Yeah nevermind him alright." Jimin sarcastically replied and turned his heels on the opposite direction. "Oh by the way hyung, where's my parents?"

"They went out to have a meeting with an old friend. They said it has been more than ten years since they last saw each other." He heard Namjoon reply. He shrugged and marched his way to his room to eat his jamless candies, "I'll be in my room then!"


"Yo Chim! It's been so long!"

"More like yesterday."

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