Fire and Ice - Part 6

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Chapter 6

I paced my room, barely withholding the urge to jump around screaming, instead i satisfied myself with kicking out at my open suitcase viciously. Hitting the corner with my cold toes i felt my eyes bug and i fell on the bed, holding my throbbing foot, biting back my yells of frustration.


"We both know where this is heading Sandidge. We've been at the same problem for over a week, i think we both have to admit that there is nothing that can be done".

"Unfortunately i think you may be right my dear" he said sadly, but i saw through his rouse.

"So what happens now?"

He looked at me in surprise, "Well i expected that you would wish to return home?"

I narrowed my eyes, "I didn't expect that you would allow me to do so" i said slowly.

His eyes widened in surprise, "Alantra, i may be a hard man, but i am not without honour, you came here on peaceful terms and that is how you and your men shall leave. You have done nothing wrong whilst on our shores".

For a moment my mind flickered back to the night i had knocked Raoul out but if he didn't feel the need to share that information with anyone at the time i didn't see why it was necessary to bring it up now.

"Of course you are welcome to stay the planned duration if you so wish..." he trailed but i quickly shook my head.

"I believe it would be best if i returned home as soon as possible, my father needs to know what has happened here so he might revise what it was that was written" i replied, mentally calculating the chances of my people agreeing to what it was Sandidge was demanding, they weren't good.

"of course, of course, ill arrange for a ship to leave tonight if you wish?"

I nodded, "I think that would be for the best".

He nodded and stood, opening the door for me, "Im sorry it didn't work out Alantra, you are an amazing woman, it pains me to consider our two countries fighting again".

I smiled tightly, "Then let's avoid that shall we?"

"Indeed, Indeed"


Sandidge's POV

I watched happily a she left my office, shutting teh door carefully behind her and moving to my liquor cabnet, pouring myself a well deserved drink. I pulled out the top draw of my desk and looked at the blade lying there, waiting.

Gritting my teeth i poured myself a shot and threw it back before pulling the knife form the draw, its handle fitting my palm perfectly, becoming an extension of my own arm.

Throwing back a third shot i rolled up my shirt and stared down at the muscles of my stomach and grimaced. I poured myself a fourth drink and waited til my head began to feel slightly heavier, then, gritting my teeth i clenched the knife in my hand and lowered it to my abdomen where it pressed heavy and cold against my bare skin.

Taking a deep breath i plunged the blade deep into my flesh, gasping and letting out a shout as my muscles bunched in protest as the lethal metal cut through tendons and muscle fibres. I bit down on my other arm, my teeth drawing blood as i held back a scream. Finally pulling the blade form my body i let it drop to the ground, my head spinning form the alcohol and blood loss. Stumbling forward i felt myself pitch towards the ground as i reached out blindly and hit the panic button positioned under my desk. Somewhere in the distance I could hear the pounding of feet as the guards rushed towards my office.

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