Chapter 9

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Thea flung open the door and ran out of the building, following the sound.
Natasha was running behind her. Thea ignored the agent and continued bolting down the wet pavement in search of the child. The screaming continued, getting louder as she ran. She flew around a corner into an empty alley.

"What...?" She did a full 360. Nothing. "I don't-" she was cut off by a shooting pain in her skull, totally oblivious to the young lady behind her.

"Iartă-mă, prietene." Forgive me, friend. She whispered as vermilion energy smoked from her hands, resurfacing Thea's greatest fears.


Della was staring at the girl in front of her with emotionless eyes. Her feet were spaced apart and her arms raised in the traditional fighting stance.

"Начни сейчас!" The man across the room yelled. The girl charged at Della, viciously.

The scene changed.

"No, please!" Della was screaming at the woman in front of the bed

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"No, please!" Della was screaming at the woman in front of the bed. Her right hand was tied to the post , her left attached to wires and machines. The woman held a syringe of yellow liquid in the bony fingers, flicking it once to let out the excess air. She walked calmly to Della's bed, grabbed her arm and injected her with the serum. Della was screaming, she screamed until her seventeen year old throat was raw and scratchy. Not that it mattered; it would heal quickly anyway.

Once again, it changed.

The soft classical music drifted through the enormous room. The girls all stood in three straight lines, executing the ballet dance perfectly. The soft light from the large windows created a warm glow upon their faces and they turned gracefully.  A group of Russian officials stood in the far corner, armed, while the other Russian observers took notes on the dancers.

"Старк!" Stark.


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Thea opened her eyes to find herself in the same room as before. The white cot, messy table, neat desk, and worst of all, the machines. The room was several degrees cooler than before, but she still sweat.

"You're awake." Tony stepped from the doorway. "How do you feel, Kid?" Thea looked up at him suspiciously.

"Why do you keep bringing me here? I just want to be left alone!" She pushed herself up into a sitting position. Tony moved to help, only to be stopped by her putting a hand up. "Don't make me kick your ass again Tin Can." He scoffed.

"You caught me off guard!" He defended, causing Thea to smirk.

"Or maybe you're just getting old, T," she retaliated. Tony looked at her with wide eyes.

"What did you say?"

"What are you hard of hearing too? I said maybe-"

"Not that. You called me T..." he turned around and walked toward the door. "FRIDAY keep an eye on her. I want an immediate alert if she gets out of bed."

"Yes, sir."


"Look, all I'm saying is that she is starting to remember. Stark, if she called you by a childhood nickname-"

"Then she's gaining back her memories piece by piece, blah blah blah. I know all this, Rogers. Give me something new to work off of!" Tony paced the garage with a drink in his hand. He took a swig. Steve stood up from the black swivel chair.

"I can't give you information that I don't know. It takes time, Tony. Like with Bucky." He laid a hand on Tony's shoulder, he shrugged it off.

"You heard Wanda too.  About what was in that girl's head. She trained in Russia with Romanoff. What if she was one of the 28?"

"It's a possibility but we won't know anything until she can confirm. Meaning we need her on our side to help her remember." Steve was headed up the stairs. "I say we see how she fights. Well, you know that already, but-"

"Sir, Miss Grace requests to speak with you and Mr. Rogers."

"If I stay here and we figure out why I'm having these dreams and where my 'skills' came from, can you help me get better?" Thea sat on the edge of her cot, wrapped in a blanket. Her eyes were dull and her hair a mess, tear streaks stained her dirty face and somehow, Steve couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"I promise you we will help in any possible way," he moved to sit next to her, putting his hand on her arm. She flinched away. "You just have to trust us." Thea looked into those bright blue eyes again and felt her stomach twist.

"And he's always honest." Tony interjected, "We want to help." Looking from each man to the other, Thea sighed.

"Okay, fine. But I want a damn burger first."


Hey look she's remembering ooooooh

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