Chapter 4

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Thea was sitting in the tower's lounge. Tony was on one side of the long couch, ice pack in hand, while she was between Steve and Dr. Banner. Bucky had departed long ago, uncomfortable with the silence in the room. Finally Bruce cleared his throat.

"Um, I had noticed before how quickly your skin and muscle cells reproduced and the durability enhancement. So I ran a few more tests on your blood and noticed what looked a lot like the Super Soldier Serum had been mixed in somehow. I matched your blood with Steve's and, uh..." He cleared his throat, "It wasn't the same serum but very similar. It's enhanced your senses and cell replication by a landslide and you're muscles are a lot stronger than the average person your age."

Thea's throat tightened, "So... I'm- I'm a freak? Like you and like Spangles over there?" She was angry. Angry at herself and whatever the hell gave her this.
Steve looked at his hands. A thick silence fell over the room like a blanket.

"There one other thing," Everybody looked up at the Doctor, "When I ran the blood sample through FRIDAY's health system, it had a match."

"That's impossible. The only people in FRIDAY's system are the team and my family," Tony stood to leave, "If you'll excuse me."

"Stark, sit."

Tony rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically, plopping himself back onto the fluffy white couch. "Yes, Captain?"

"This is serious. Listen."

Bruce cleared his throat and began again. "The DNA matched with Della Stark, the youngest child of Howard and Maria Stark, your sister." Tony stood up and glared at Bruce.

"My sister is dead. She died when we were kids."

"Tony, we have reason to belie-"

"No you listen to me, Green Goblin, this girl has nothing to do with my sister. Della is dead. Gone. Poof. End of story. Now, excuse me."


"Let him go, Bruce." Steve warned. Bruce looked down.

"I'm going to head up to bed. I'll um... I'll see you. It was nice meeting you, Thea." He sulked from the room and up the steps.

"You'll have to excuse Tony, his sister passed away when they were kids. He doesn't like talking about her," Steve glanced at Thea, who was sitting, glaring at the ground.

"I want to go home."

"I can't let you do that."

"I said, I want to go home," She stood up, "thank you for helping me this morning, Rogers. Goodnight."


Yeah it's a filler, sue me.

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