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I forgot to tell you guys!!

In this story universe, both male and female can get pregnant. It's not Omegaverse but just a simple m-preg universe. Though same sex relationships are still rare so they got a little discriminated just like Omegas does in Omegaverse. You will see the heavy problems that will come in this story from that and a surprise I prepare in the end of this story!!

Thank you so much for supporting this story and I'm glad that I have my writing soul back again lol

I'll try to make at least this story ends since the other two of my stories is still in hiatus state of never going to be updated again (_ _|||)

P.S if you think Takumi is going to get pregnant at this chapter cuz of the title, it's not your lucky day.

On to the next chapter~~~

Darkness envelop a quiet room where two bodies sleep facing each other in a close embrace. The blonde italian wrinkle his eyebrows together as he about to woke up. His long eyelashes flutter from a few winks to gain focus in his vision.

Takumi lift his neck slightly to see the redheaded chef and his lover is still sleeping peacefully, not taking his embrace of him. Takumi squirm a little a feel some pain on his waist. He definitely can't get up alone and also because Souma is crushing the italian into his arms in deep sleep.

"Souma... Souma, wake up..."

Takumi pats Souma's cheek softly a few times and finally earn a respond movement from him. Souma open his drowsy half awake eyes, still feeling half awake he pulled Takumi's head to the crook of his neck and start sniffing his hair.

"H-hey wait...!! Don't sniff me!! Get off! I want to get up!!" Takumi try to free his head off and Souma let out a chuckle as he is now fully awake. Looking at his italian lover with happy crystal clear amber eyes, sending sudden thumping sound to Takumi's heart.

"Does it hurt?"


"You know what..." Souma shrugged his shoulder and it took Takumi a few moments before he gets it followed by a surge of red bright blush.

A smile appeared on Souma's face as he leaned down to kiss the top of the italian's head softly before using on of his arm to lift his body up. Takumi shot his eyes wide as he saw the blankets fall down and Souma was still full naked.

"I'm going to make coffee and night snack." Souma slipped out from the blanket and thank god his boxers as just by one of the bed's legs. He also pick up his jeans and quickly pull it up to his waist, before walking away after a ruffle of the soft blonde locks.

"Stay there and rest. I'll come and get you when I'm done." Souma said as he turned his heels and exit the blonde's bedroom.



Oh god.

Oh god oh god.


We.... just did it right....??

The sting that I feel in my butt is real and we are naked in a bed together just now.......

I duck my whole body in my blanket, thinking of what just happen. And I still can't believe it.

I did it with Souma.
We had sex together.

I slowly crawl my head out from the blanket but still have half of my face under it.

The internet was not lying. It did hurt as hell. I feel like my insides were torn apart and it's lucky that it didn't bleed.

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