A Small Talk......

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After the school report and broadcasting club made a headliner news about them, the two of them finally can have some alone time in peace.

It's in Souma's room again and......

"S-souma.... W-wa-wait...."

".....I can't. It's been a week since you've been ignoring me. Can't I get a week worth of kiss from that?"

"B-b-but...!!" Takumi's lips were sealed one again by Souma's. Other than their normal cooking date, they're just making out in Souma's room.

Souma slide in his tongue into his italian lover's warm cavern. Takumi eagerly respond into Souma's kiss, he's not a honest type so he can't say that he also missed Souma and his kisses. Souma's kisses always feel the best to him, well since he never kissed anyone other than him so he must thinks that way. But if he even had kissed someone before Souma, he will still say the same.

"....Open your mouth more...." Souma breathed a sentence between their lips and tongue dominance. Takumi do as he was told and start to let out a hear-able moan that perks Souma's desire more. The red head want to do more from hearing Takumi's needy moans. Souma was pulled closer from Takumi's arms that was wrapped to his neck and their kiss got more intense.

"....Mnnh...Ahhn...Sou...Souma...." Takumi open his teary full of lust eyes between their kiss and that's actually when Souma's self restraint rope cuts off. But instead of going for his lust, he ends the kiss and push Takumi slightly away from him.

"Souma...?" Takumi breathlessly said. The red head pecked the blond italian's nose and smiled at him.

"Thanks for the week worth kiss!!" Souma smiled while showing his perfect row of teeth. Takumi can only look down and feel a little disappointed from it "Takumi....?"

"No, it's nothing." Takumi shook his head and lift up his face "I'm sorry for ignoring you for a week...." Takumi said with an apologetic face, looking like he really feels bad for it.

"What? It's fine!! It's my fault for doing that without saying anything, I kinda deserve it!! At first I thought you're joking on ignoring me, but the struggle is real. I was really lonely....." Souma breathed heavily as he remember the full week when Takumi ignore his calls and not meeting him after school.

Takumi looked at Souma with a sorrowful look. Then he cupped Souma's face with his hand and pulled his head up to meet his lips with the red head.

"....But I'm here now, right...?" Takumi said after he pulled out from his kiss. The expression on Takumi's face right now was unbearable. Souma had a hunch that Takumi was trying to seduce him, but he has to keep his words on not doing anything more before Takumi is ready. His inner sane and lust self are battling with each other right now.



The couple were surprised from Fumio's loud and shrieky voice from the room speaker that's available in every room in the dorm.

"Fumio-san is calling you. You should hurry get down." Takumi said, Souma huffed as a reply and get up from his seat, followed up by Takumi. The two of the walk out the room and walk down the stairs together. Seeing Kurokiba and Hayama waiting in the door front without taking off their shoes.

"Sorry for disturbing your make out session." Kurokiba said in a non-chalant voice "What brings you two over here?" Souma asked, not expecting the of them to come all the way to his dorm.

"What? Is it wrong to ask for a guy day out?" Hayama asked "It is if you guys are at somepoint now gay." Souma joked while walking closer to them. Since the start their second year, Souma got a lot more close with Kurokiba and Hayama. They refuse to call it best friend because Kurokiba and Hayama didn't want it to look like a threesome of gay guys and Souma agrees to it strongly because he didn't want Takumi to get the wrong impression of him when he was still crushing on the blond.

Love Cuisine ~Shokugeki no Souma Fanfiction~ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ