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Morning light seeping from the window and Souma squint his closed eyes from the light's contact. Blinking a few times before he can finally get back his clear vision.

The first thing he saw was the blonde italian chef still sleeping and all curled up on Souma's chest. Souma smile contently to himself. After realizing his feelings for Takumi last night, he found pure bliss and happiness just by being on Takumi's side. He didn't plan to confess since Takumi probably panic and start to keep a distance with him. For now Souma was happy enough that he can be with Takumi like this.

Though it will end when Takumi woke up.

Souma lift his hand that was wrapped on Takumi's waist to brush the italian's blonde hair. Brushing away his long side bangs and Souma can finally see Takumi's swollen eyes from crying. He might still think about Isami and cried in his sleep. So typical of him, is what Souma thinks.

Takumi shift his sleeping position and finally Souma's arm that was being Takumi's pillow start to get some freedom. Souma slide his arm off from Takumi's head and sneak out quietly from his bed. He doesn't want his morning to start off by hearing Takumi's yelling.

Though that would be an amusing sight to Souma.


Morning were starting to change to noon and Takumi finally woke up from his sleep. We was usually a morning person and was puzzled himself what caused him to sleep in so deeply like that. After he gain full focus in his eyes, he start to feel that he room he's in was foreign to him and was definitely not his room.

Takumi start to remember he was running away from home and wonder around in town until late and then he meet Souma...

And then he....

Takumi blushed in flaming red remembering what happen after he met Souma that night. He curse to himself on how can he done something so shameless.

....And how Souma were so gentle that night...

Takumi start to scream as his thoughts start to get more embarassing and roll over the bed before panicking it was Souma's bed and then fall over from it.

"Takumi? You're awake?"

Takumi jolt in surprise hearing Souma's voice entering the room. He took a proper sitting position, but the person seeing him like that will only think he's nervous. Takumi was sitting the opposite way which Souma is now. He was calming his heart down from all the thumping noise it's making, looking at Souma's face right now will only make it worse.

"Hey Takumi, you okay there?" Souma walked closer to Takumi and squat down to tried to check on his condition. But Takumi keep his effort on not looking into Souma's face.

"Per-perfectly fine!" Takumi answer with a shuttered voice. Souma was still worried but if Takumi was getting stubborn, nothing on earth can convince the decision he's having.

" 'mkay since you said so. Oh and whatever you're thinking, we didn't do anything last night." Souma bluntly said. Takumi spontantly turn his body to look at Souma with his still red face.


"I won't make a move on my friend. You can keep my word." Souma finishes off. Takumi were surprised by how cold Souma's voice when he said that. It aches his chest just by hearing it.

"You haven't had breakfast, right? Hurry up and go downstairs and lemme cook you something!" Souma beamed his signature smile. For some reason, Takumi's aching chest didn't hurt as much as before when he see Souma's smile.

But there is still an uncomfortable feeling inside him.


"....So? Whaddya think?" Souma asked, lifting an empty plate infront of a satisfied looking Takumi. Takumi fake coughed to get back his composed self before he can prepare to comment on Souma's dish.

"We-well... I think it's acceptable..." Takumi goes by his usual 'tsundere-dishonest-comment' style that Souma kind of predict.

"But...." Takumi continued.

"It seems different from your usual cooking style.... There seems to be a base and it's more solid this time. Though your unpredictable abstract style are still there."

"As expected of Takumi! You can clearly tell!!" Souma pulled a chair and took a seat beside Takumi "I used a French Cuisine base this time... Since I was Shinomiya-senpai's student for a while, I kind of addapt that. I still think it needs more to reach perfection but it's my starting line to a new cooking way!"

The way Souma's eyes light in motivation amaze Takumi. He always think Yukihira Souma is a worthy rival from his family background and now he's proud again to say that the Souma that has no wavery in his future in a much more worthy rival.


"You sure you don't want me to walk you home?" Souma asked when Takumi put on his shoes in the entrance, preparing to go home.

"I'm not a girl! And..." Takumi stood up "....I want to solve my problem with Isami alone. Like you said, he's my brother after all!!" Takumi beamed a genuine smile that made Souma's heart skip a beat.

"You're right..." Souma mumble to himself "Good luck with that!!"

Takumi finally walks out from the polar star dorm's ground and Souma lazily walk back upstair to his room. When he open his room he found a plate of a half steaming Fettuciné out of no where. Next to it was a note that says.

My way of thanks.
And your breakfast was absolutely delicious.


Souma squat down after reading the letter and ruffle his already messy hair. Lifting his head while looking at the small note again with a content feeling and wide smile plastered on his face.

"....You sure know how to make a man that's head over heals for you this happy, Takumi..."


This is not the end!!! There are still more chapters!!! (/;w;)/

Love Cuisine ~Shokugeki no Souma Fanfiction~ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن