Chapter 10

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I sat down on the little chair in the kitchen as I sipped some more of my coffee, last night playing over and over in my head. I can't believe I just assumed they were a couple, that they were gay ... and Zayn just storming out of my room because his girlfriend showed up. The house was till a mess and my stomach turned when I thought about all the new guys in the house. Lord please give me strength.

Just when I placed my mug in the basin a new face entered the kitchen, I wasn't sure if he was a new frat member or just some random who passed out somewhere who's now searching for coffee.

He greeted me with a warm smile, I noticed he was very tall and his dyed blonde hair stood up everywhere. "Hi, I'm Mark." I nodded and smiled back. "Abby." I replied. "You come to the parties here a lot?" He questioned as he turned the kettle on again. "I kinda live here, so the parties usually come to me." He looked confused but not judgmental at all. "Well I live here as well now, arrived yesterday." I nodded, thank full that he didn't ask why I stayed here. I heard steps coming towards the kitchen, my stomach turned when Zayn entered and his girlfriend followed. He kinda looked at me then looked away, she frowned at me. "Baby isn't this the random from the parking lot? She's stalking you." Her laugh had a weird ring to it which sent shivers down my spine.

Zayn joined the laughter and looked at me, he was laughing but his eyes were apologizing. I looked away, starting to make my way over to the door. "Ugly fat pig." I heard her whisper to Zayn. I wanted to turn around and smack her but years of training to withhold my anger helped a lot. I moved up the stairs, bumping into someone. I didn't even stop to apologize. When I closed my door behind me and locked the door I felt the tears roll down my chin and dampen my chest.

I felt irritated with myself because I'm one of those people who couldn't stop the tears whenever I got too emotional. I walked over to the bed and fell down, my hand automatically moved towards my stomach. It wasn't that big but it was there. The other hand wiped away my tears but they wouldn't stop. My hand moved under my shirt and over the few scars on my left side, stab wounds. I remember not being scared, because I was the one who made them.

I remember what it felt like the first time the knife sliced through my flesh, I remember the laughing/choking sound coming out of my mouth as I pulled the knife out slowly then shoved it straight back in. I remember not being able to really see or hear anything around me-

I was pulled out of my flashback when someone knocked on the door. "Who is it?" My voice cracked and I cleared my throat. The person just knocked again. A weird feeling ran through my body and I jumped up, crouched down beside my bed and pulled the little army knife from under my bed. I moved to the door and unlocked it, opening it fast.

My hand automatically moved behind my back and tugged the knife away when I saw Keaton standing outside my door with a glass of milk in his hands. He frowned at me and I frowned at him, momentarily remembering that I was just crying. I wiped my face with the back of my hand, a headache already settling in. "Um, I saw you crying by the stairs, and I- uhm I got you some milk." I was still frowning but a small smile tugged at my lips. "Uh thanks, I guess." He nodded and turned away from me. I closed my door again, taking a sip of my milk before I placed it down on my bedside table. I bend down and stuck the knife back into its place.


Maybe 20 mins later a knock on my door distracted me from the cute cat video my dad sent me. I opened it this time and Zayn was standing there with a weird expression on his face, I rolled my eyes and closed the door but his foot stopped it. "Fuck." He cussed and removed his bare foot, "That wasn't smart." He said and immediately rubbed his foot. I couldn't help but laugh. "Guess I deserved that." I didn't say anything I just went back to my bed. Laying down on my stomach with the pillow propped underneath me.

"So you're not gonna speak to me then?" He asked, his voice right by my ear. He sat down next to me. "Listen I'm sorry okay, I shouldn't have let her talk about you like that." I nodded. "You shouldn't have, but you did." I replied dryly. I don't need people in my life who wouldn't stand up for me.

"You could've said something yourself, you know." He sounded irritated. "It's not my place, she's not my girlfriend, she's yours." I turned and faced him.

"Yes I know, but maybe you wouldn't be such and easy target if you opened your mouth once in a while." I Sat up and crossed my legs underneath me.

"How bout you get out of my room." I snapped back.

"Maybe if you did some effort in looking after yourself you also wouldn't be an easy target." his cheeks were flushed.

"Just get out." I pointed at my door, speaking a bit louder. "I don't need people like you in my life, I already have enough breaking me down, I don't need an extra one with a bitch as a girlfriend." I could see he wanted to say something back but he stopped himself when he saw the tear slip down my cheek, I wiped it away angrily.

His eyes softened and he moved towards me over the bed. Before he could reach me I stood up, grabbing my shoes I walked out of my room. "Fuck." I could hear Zayn curse when he followed me down the stairs. I was out of the door, with my shoes on so fast that I got lightheaded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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