Chapter 7

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"Where am I?" I gasped as I sat up straight in my bed. I wiped the hair off of my face and looked around confused. It took me a few seconds to realise I was in my new room. I grunted and fell back to the bed, covering my face with the pillow. "What did I do to deserve this?" I question myself as I turned around, looking at the clock I saw it was already nine. I can't believe I slept this late. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, almost tripping over my own feet as I walked to my bag. I grabbed my toothbrush and opened the door.

 I grunted once again as I saw the bathroom was occupied. I really had to pee so I turned and started searching down the hall for another one. I smiled and entered it, I closed the door quickly pulled my pants down, barely making it to the toilet. I finished, brushed my teeth and sighed at my morning hair. shrugging I turned and left the bathroom.

After finishing getting dressed and doing my hair I decided I needed coffee. I was deeply relieved when I didn't see anybody downstairs or in the kitchen. I wasn't mentally prepared to deal with any male species today. I poured water into the kettle and grabbed a mug, putting in some coffee and two sugars, not feeling the need to put milk in my coffee this morning I just made it black. My back was facing the door so I couldn't see if anybody entered.

 "Good morning." Someone said and my body went into light shock, I turned to see the guy with the brown hair and loads of tattoos without a shirt on smiling at me. "Hi." I tried to seem friendly but my mood just wouldn't change to happy. "You want some?" I asked, offering to make him coffee. "Sure, it's Abby right?" I nodded, turning away hoping he won't notice that I couldn't remember his name. "Yeah ... two sugars?" I asked. "Yeah that's perfect." He had the same accent as Zayn. "I'm Louis by the way." I sighed with relief and turned to look at him sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, there is just a lot of names to remember, I didn't forget your name on purpose." He shrugged as he made his way over to me. "It's fine don't stress." He brushed past me to get to milk. "So I heard you playing the guitar last night, you're really good." I smiled at him trying not to sound creepy. "Yeah I saw you on the stairs." My smile dropped and my whole body went cold, Louis saw this and laughed. "Oh God, you did?" 

 Louis and I chatted some more while drinking our coffee when I heard footsteps down the stairs. "Here it comes." Louis said. My head snapped to him and my eyes were wide. "Here comes what?" I questioned. Louis just took a sip of his coffee and stared at the door. And then the wave of zombie boys hit us. First it was Zayn and Keaton, then Drew and Wes. All the guys hitting us in packs.

My eyes darted everywhere as I didn't know where to look because not one of them had a shirt on, the one with the long hair didn't even have pants on, he was rocking just his underwear. I felt uncomfortable as I stood up slowly, hoping they won't notice as I moved past them. Thank God they were all still sleeping because not one of them did. I kinda did a little sprint towards the door, screaming FRRREEEEEDDDOOMM in my head as I stepped over the threshold.


Two hours later I've figured everything out, knowing where all my classes were and making sure it was a safe place to walk. I heard a little whistle as I walked up the street towards the house and my blood ran cold again. I didn't dare stop and just kind sprinted again, now listen, I might have a belly, and some jiggly thighs, but that does not mean that I can't run. Could've sworn Usain Bolt raised me. I stopped in front of the house and saw a lot of cars and there were people on our yard. I slapped my forehead because I forgot that the new boys were coming today.

Some people were smoking and some had drinks in their hands. I walked up the path to the front door and it was chaos. The music was loud and there were a lot of people here. I stared in amazement as I looked around. "Fuck this shit I'm out." I sang softly to myself as I descended up the stairs. "No thanks." I continued singing. "Don't mind me, I'ma just grab my stuff and leave. Excuse me please, fuck this shit I'm out." I entered my room and laughed at myself as I continued singing. "Alright then, I don't know what the fuck just happened but I don't really care, I'ma get the fuck up outta here." I locked my door and fell down on my bed.

"How the hell do I remember the lyrics to this stupid song but I can't remember a few names." I asked myself. The music was blasting through the house, it's not even 1 pm and people are already drinking...

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