After his shower, he entered the small common space of the apartment, seeing Emily at the kitchen table typing away. "Mornin' Spence. Package came for you this morning." He nodded, grabbing a mug and filling it up with his coffee and sugar. He then made his way to the table, picking up the package, reading who it was from quickly, only to rip it open in excitement. "Jeez, what's in there, a bomb?" She asked sarcastically, laughing a little.

"It's from Lucielle." He spoke softly, pulling out the container from the package. Spencer smiled at the note on the inside, words scribbled across it on top of a Tupperware container. Tugging off the plastic lid, he discovered a dozen of homemade Rice Krispie treats with Spencer's favorite brand of chocolate chips in them. "Ugh, gotta love her." He chuckled, pulling a few from the pile and beginning to chow down.

"She's gonna make quite the fun wife someday." Emily spoke, standing up as she made her way to the kitchen.

"I hope. She's damn amazing. I don't plan on giving her up any time soon." The doctor chuckled as he spoke of his girlfriend. Emily picked up the return label as she walked back to the kitchen table, Spencer munching away. The woman's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"That can't be right." She muttered before clearing her throat. "Spence, how does Lucy spell her first name?" She asked looking at the male in front of her. Spencer was busy reading the note attached to the treats, still captivated by the treat he was eating.

"L-u-c-i-e-l-l-e. Why?" The male spoke before Emily looked at him, slightly panicked.

"I don't think a 25 year old doctor would spell her own name wrong." Spencer frowned taking the package from her, looking at the return address, seeing where the mistake was. "Dr. Lucille Andrews." After reading the package, the dessert fell out of his hand onto the table. "Spencer how many of those did you eat?" Emily asked picking up a napkin and then picking up the abandoned treat. When she didn't get a response, she looked up to see the male was gone. "Spencer?" After no reply, Emily reached under the table, grabbing the pistol that was hidden there. "Reid, you're freaking me out." As she entered his room, the woman felt metal pressing into her back, and Spencer's voice from behind her.

"Are you with the FBI?" He asked slowly. Using her deductive reasoning, Emily shook her head. "I want you to say it." With his words, he pushed the weapon further into her back.

"No. I'm just your roommate." She spoke easily, waiting for the relief of pressure being retracted from her back. Moments passed before it did, Emily slowly turning around and watching as Spencer grabbed the package frustratedly.

"Who's this Spencer dude?" He asked pissed off, holding his revolver in the direction of his partner.

"Our neighbor. He didn't want the dessert. So he gave it to us." Emily watched to see if he took the lie she was feeding him, the male nodded and put his weapon away.

"Do you know where he is?" She quickly shook her head, only for the doctor to dash out the door, shouting something about finding the bastard that took his boss' daughter. Once Spencer was gone, Emily rushed to find her phone, calling everyone she had available to her.

Lucielle was woken at 3 A.M. to the sound of her phone. Groggily, she picked it up, answering it and hearing her boss mentioning some sort of issue and having her come in.

"Aaron. I am seven months pregnant. The last thing I want to do is come into work at 3 in the morning." She groaned, sitting up slowly.

"The issue is in London. We need to fly out as soon as possible." At his words, Lucy woke up rapidly.

"London? Is Emily okay? What about Spencer? Is this about them? Hotch tell me what's going on."

"I'll brief you when you arrive. Bring a go bag."

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