Shall we dance Ren?

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Strade was 7 months and two weeks pregnant. It was almost time! soon he will have his body back! the pains he was suffering from will soon fuck off! But it will be worth it. Strade was sat on the edge of the bed, he hadn't been awake long, "Oh!" he growled a little under his breath, the baby kicked him as if to say 'I'm coming to met you very soon!' He got up and went slowly down the stairs, he had to he couldn't see the stairs past his huge belly. Once down he walked into the living room to find Rire talking quietly to Sano. "Hey Sano, how long have you been here?" asked Strade, Rire and Sano stopped talking and looked at Strade, "Oh, I have just turned up! I'm here to take you out Strade." said Sano with a smile. Strade sighed heavily, "I don't know if I could walk far, not to mention I'd most likely need the bathroom every 20 minutes. so I wont be much fun Sano." said Strade. Sano walked over to him and said "I'm not taking no for answer! so, don't worry we wont do or go far. last chance of freedom! before the baby pukes and shit storms!" Strade smiled and laughed slightly. He agreed to go out. After half an hour Sano and Strade were ready to leave, "Remember that Ren is due home at 1pm! the school is closing early to day due to the place being re-painted." Said Strade. Rire Nodded. Sano and Strade left, as soon as they did Rire closed the front door, then disappeared with a black puff of smoke. Rire reappeared at a shitty, run down bar. Nothing like the Bar that Strade works at, inside the bar it was a shitty as the outside! The smell was disgusting! Rire would rather smell a shitty diaper all day than smell this or much longer, he looked around the bar and saw his target! he walked over and sat down next to a large man, Clearly intoxicated. "Hi, you must be Joe." said Rire, the man didn't even look at him he just grunted a 'yes' under his breath. This wouldn't take long. After an hour or so Joe decided to leave, The whole time Rire was just starring at him. When Joe staggered outside he looked around to see where he was. Then he saw the black smoke and Rire appear. Joe was shocked! "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Rire, I and my human partner are now the legal guardian's of Ren. And I think we need to close a chapter on Ren's past, and also close the last chapter on your life" Said Rire, his Black tentacles wrapped around Joe, tightly! they both disappeared.

*An hour later*

Rire was sitting in the living room reading his book he always carried, drinking Tea. The front door opened suddenly, Ren was home, moaning under his breath trying to squeeze his bike though the hall. "Ah Ren, One O'clock, right on time." said Rire. Ren placed his bike up against the wall for a moment, "Hey yeah! I am on time. for once!" said a happy Ren. "If you are looking for Strade, he is out with Sano, but I do have a gift for you Ren." said Rire closing his book. Ren was slightly confused. Rire told him to go down to the basement, so Ren did. When Ren got half way down the stairs, he heard a muffled grunt, he slowly continued to go down the steps. at the bottom the room was pitch black, Rire appeared behind him, "Turn on the lights Ren, and get ready for a big surprise." said Rire. Ren reached out slowly for the light switch. When Ren did finally find the switch, the light above him hurt his eyes a little, once he adjusted to the light, he turned and found a man! tied up and gagged. Ren took in a deep breath and stumbled back a little. "You know who this is right Ren?" asked Rire placing his hand behind his back slowly, raising his eyebrows. Ren nodded. "Oh good, this is a gift from me to you. You may do what ever you like to him! anything! As long as you do me one thing, do not tell your uncle! I do not need him getting upset or angry." said Rire. Ren's eyes turned dark, almost black, he smiled at Joe, thinking about all the things he could do to him. Ren looked up at Rire and said in a deep voice, "Deal." Rire smiled and walked up stairs, as he reached the top he turned and said "Oh and Ren, if you need my assistance, just call." then he closed the door slowly until he heard a soft click.

After nearly three hours, the light's in the sky slowly started to become dark. Rire didn't normally watch TV but something told him to turn it on. As he did the news Channel busted into life.  "Our headlines for tonight again are as follows, The hurricane Max is on the way to us within the next few days!  It may be with us for over a month or so, updates will be broadcasted to you as of when we hear it! Everyone is being advised to either board up your homes and use sandbags to prevent rain water from coming into your homes or to seek shelter on higher grounds." "Oh fucking great!" said Rire, He turned down the TV and called Sano. "Hell-o! what's up Rire?" said Sano. Rire told Sano about the approaching storm and asked how much longer Strade and he was going to be out. They had words and hung up on each other, Rire decided to go down stairs and check on Ren. Once down there the scene was horrific to most but to Rire it was Heaven! The smell of blood was thick, Most of the objects in the basement had been used from the electric saw to the hammer on the wall. Joe would not last much longer. Good. He deserved everything! Rire told Ren that his uncle was coming back and when he had a chance would he help him to board up the house the next day due to the storm, the house was already on a tall hill. "Yeah, course I'll be done before Uncle Strade comes home, to e honest I'm running out of ideas on what to do on this fucking asshole!" said Ren. Rire left him too it and waited for Strade and Sano to come home. The wind was getting thirsty. Eventually Sano and Strade came home.

The next day everyone was up early. Sano had stayed the night. "I'll help you sort out the windows if you like guys, then after I'll have to go back to mine and do the same." said Sano. Strade was placed on the Sofa and was told not to move! Strade wasn't happy about it but he stayed put. Ren Had finished Joe late last night. Sano was boarding up the front of the house and Rire was lifting Ren up with his tentacles, as Ren hammered the boards, as he did Ren was talking but Rire could not hear a single word. "I'm sorry Ren, you'll have to repeat what you just said." said Rire bring him down to the floor again, "I said I am finished with that cunt down stairs, I have made a mess so I'll have to clean that up, I have no idea what to do with the body though." said Ren placing the hammer under his chin. "Leave the body to me Ren." said Rire. Sano appeared and said "I'm so glad you guys don't have neighbours! Oh by the way I asked Strade if he had any extra nails anywhere." Rire sighed then jumped when Ren grabbed his arm, Ren's face went white! "The extra nails are in the basement!!" yelled Ren. All three of them looked at each other in shock then ran inside though the back door, the basement door was already open! There was no sounds coming from the basement. So Rire went down, He sound Strade just standing there, "Strade? are you okay?" asked Rire, Strade turned around slowly, his face was pale, he was biting his bottom lip, his hands were clenched tight. Strade was starting to shake. "What-The-FUCK!!??!" Yelled Strade, "Its Ren's revenge on your sister's ex! you were right all those years go thinking he was abusing Ren! so I wanted to help him move on!" said Rire, Strade started to hyperventilate "No! I meant WHAT THE FUCK!" yelled Strade standing a side so Rire could see Joe, Rire was shocked! "Joe was ripped apart, his left arm was hanging on by a single line of Muscle, his legs had been removed, he has slices on his bare chest saying 'Paedophile' His mouth had been ripped open so his bottom jaw dangled down with his tongue flapping out, He had no pants on so Rire could tell that his manhood had not only been removed but has been chewed off! The thing that killed Joe was a single bite to his bare throat. Ren was right it was a total mess! "I feel sick! I'm think I'm gonna pass out. why is this fucking with me?! I have killed people before but this is fucking insane!" cried Strade. "Its okay! I can fix this!" said Rire. Strade fell to his knees as he grabbed his stomach with both hands, "Ugh!" he cried. Rire bent down to his side and told him to calm down and breath. Strade took in deep breathes but found it hard to become calm. Rire picked up Strade in his arms and disappeared and reappeared in the bedroom, He laid Strade down and got a wet cloth and put it on Strade's forehead. Strade soon became tired and went to sleep. Rire went back down stairs and told Sano to continue to board the windows, and as for Ren he was to clean the basement as he got rid of Joe, once and for all as they prepared for the coming storm and the arrival of the baby.


Uh oh. Will the storm still be there when Strade is due to give birth?

you tell me your thoughts!

The end is coming in the next Chapter! this will soon all be over!


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