Your good when you pretend to be bad.

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Rire was unimpressed. He had been sitting in this dive bar for hours now, looking for a candidate. Someone he could work his magic on. "Hey, never seen you in here before." said a calm voice from his side, Rire turned and looked at the man talking. He was cute, chocolate brown wavy hair up to his shoulders, golden eyes that could trick you into handing him anything he wanted, tanned skin and old fitted clothes. Rire saw an opportunity and grinned, he snapped out of it so to not scare his prey away, "Yes I'm on business here and I was told this place had some interesting people." Rire lied. The man was also on the short side which would make Rire's life easier. "Well someone lied to you, this place sucks! I'm Strade." said the man wearing a green army top that didn't seem to fit him well. "I'm Rire." Strade had something in his eye something that could not be trusted, his eyes slowly started to close half way as a smirk creeped on his face then he suddenly snapped out of it when the room was filled with laughter. "Can I buy you a beer, Rire?" asked Strade. Rire agreed and watched carefully as his prey walked away to the bar and then came back a few minutes after with two large beers. They didn't say very much just looked at each other. "Why are you wearing sunglasses inside?" asked Strade all of a sudden. "I don't like the lights in here." Strade didn't say anything just gave off a smirk and nodded. "So where you staying?" asked Strade again with the questions. Rire saw yet another opportunity, "No where. I'm looking for a new place here In town" Said Rire looking away but secretly looking at Strade. This made Strade VERY happy, "Well you can stay with me if you want." Said Strade holding his mug tightly. "Sure, lets go." said Rire getting up and looking at Strade, This confused Strade a little then he jumped up with joy, "Okay! lets go." he said pointing to the back door.

Outside in the ally way Strade asked Rire if he had a car "No I don't have a car." said Rire noticing something not right with Strade's car. "That's okay you can come with me in my car then." Said Strade getting into his car and opening the passenger side door. Rire got in and looked in the back seat, the windows were black and there was no door handles on the inside. Rire looked at Strade as the car roared into life. Rire could see right though Strade and knew exactly what he was. A monster Just like him. This excited Rire almost to the max.

Strade's house was in the middle of no where, no neighbours to see or help if anything was to go wrong, Good thought Rire. Inside the house almost everything was new but again something was not right! This house was too perfect. All that was needed was a big titted blond  with no brains in the kitchen. But Rire could tell Strade was alone. "Ahem." coughed Strade, Rire looked down at him and saw the hunter's knife in his hand, "You can come calm and let me do what I want or I can really make your nightmare's a reality." said Strade with an evil look. Rire smiled. He removed his sunglasses but kept his eyes closed and said "That's funny, because I was think the same for you..Human." then he opened his eyes to reveal his eyes were in fact Yellow! Strade was taken a back a little, until he saw something black and slimy crawling up around his leg! "WHAT THE FUCK!?" yelled Strade. He raised his knife ready to attack what was on his leg when another black tentacle wrapped itself tight around his wrist, making him drop his knife! It lifted him up off the floor making Strade panic, he squirmed trying to break free, only to find Rire inches from his face. Rire smiled to show his sharp teeth to him. This scared Strade so much he must have passed out.

When Strade woke up he was lying on the floor in his basement. He felt drunk. he moaned to himself quietly. He had a taste of metal in his mouth, he slowly raised his hands towards his mouth to find that he had a metal ring gag in his mouth! he started to panic again trying his hardest to remove it only to feel on the back of his head a tiny padlock keeping it closed and tight to his face. "You wont be able to remove it my little human, because I have the key." Strade turned around slowly to find Rire sat on a chair holding the key. Strade was not going to become the pray, he jumped up and tried to say 'give me that fucking key!' but it came out all wrong, Rire raised his eyebrows and put a black tentacle behind his ear and said "I didn't understand that Strade, try again." Strade was getting angry. He looked across the basement and saw the drill. He went for it, But Rire's tentacle came for him and wrapped itself around his ankle once again and pulled him to the floor with a bang, Then it dragged him straight to Rire. Two more grabbed at Strade's wrists and pinned them behind his back. Strade opened one eye and looked at Rire. "You know full well what that is in your mouth, so I think you should get to work. don't you." Said Rire placing one hand on Strade's head and his other hand pulled his pants open and pulled his hardened cock out, Strade's eyes widened at the size of this monster! He grunted and tried to pull away but this got Rire even hotter, He grabbed a handful of Strade's hair and kept him still, Strade closed his eyes tight, as Rire put his cock though the ring gag and pushed half way in his cock was already touching the back of Strade's throat, Strade started to Gag, "This will be over quicker if you relaxed your throat." said Rire, Strade opened an eye slightly as if to say 'fuck you!' Rire shrugged and said "Oh well." Then with full force shoved himself straight down Strade's tight hot wet throat! Strade's eyes opened widen as the force was stopping him from breathing, he couldn't scream he made gagging noises as dribble escaped his mouth and dropped onto his shirt. Rire thrusted as hard and as fast as he could. "Your not very good at this are you? oh well there is still time to teach an old dog new tricks as they say." Said Rire though each rugged breath as he pounded into Strade's throat. It wasn't long until Rire finally came in Strade's mouth good thing too as Strade was starting to pass out due to lack of oxygen. Strade drank Rire's juices like a kitten to milk, he didn't have much of a choice. Rire pulled out of Strade's throat and removed the ring gag, as he did Strade puked on himself and gasped for air, "You fucking cunt! i'll fucking skin you alive!" screamed Strade though ragged breathes. Rire smiled and said "We are not done yet." Strade did not like the sound of that.

Suddenly Strade's arms were pulled high above him make him yell out in pain, then he was turned over on all fours like a dog in heat, his face was pushed into the cold concrete floor and his pants were removed along with his underwear, "Please! please don't! I wont say anything! we never met!" pleaded Strade. Rire heard nothing he was getting excited again when he saw this Pray present himself to him, Rire bent down and licked Strade's tight hole, making Strade jump, "No! please!" Cried Strade again Rire heard nothing, He slapped Strade's ass cheek and pushed the head of his cock inside, Strade made every attempt to get away but his body was held in place. He was going no where. Rire grabbed a hold of Strade's hips and plunged straight into him, Strade's eyes watered! the pressure inside was unbearable, He tried to scream but only a whimper came out, as Rire started to pull out then plunge straight back in making Unholy noises, "Uuahh! oh!" said Strade quickly biting his lip, was he seriously starting to enjoy this?! Rire smiled and his trusts was getting fast and harder, Strade couldn't keep quiet anymore! "MMMM oh! God!" Cried Strade moving his hips back and forth with Rire. "Please! I need to cum!" said Strade, expecting Rire to let go of one of his hands, but Rire grabbed Strade's  cock instead pumping it to the rhythm. Strade made so many noises, that he came fast onto Rire's hand. Rire licked the cum off his fingers and continued to fuck Strade. "OH FUCKING JUDAS!" screamed Rire as he spilled deep within Strade. Strade never felt so full! his stomach expanded with Rire's juices inside. Rire pulled out and put himself back in his pants. He let go of Strade, but Strade just laid there. Panting like a dog in hot weather. "I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, I hope we can do it again sometime." said Rire placing his sunglasses on his face. Before Strade could say or do anything Rire was gone. Strade got up went straight up stairs got in the shower. Little did he know Rire was still there. Smiling quietly to himself.


:) I really enjoyed writing this one!!

I hope you enjoyed reading it! Leave me a comment on if I should continue!

If I had a heart. (BTD FANFIC! Boyfriend to death)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora