I don't want to hurt you... not anymore

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Strade was nerves to go back to work. He was a bartender at said Bar where he met his tormenter. But that shouldn't stop him from living his life! He was always looking for more souls to twist for his fans online. But every time he came close into pulling them in, he would feel sick and leave. Surely he wasn't getting sick of torturing people! Strade shook his head side to side to try and clear his head. He left his home and went to work.

Strade kept losing sight of what he was meant to be doing, serving drunks. He was lost in thoughts again. "Hey!" said a loud voice banging on the counter, Strade snapped out of his trance, and stared at the angry customer, "I said are you going to take my fucking money or what?!" Strade just kept looking at him not blinking once. His hand slid under the counter and pulled out a sharp knife, He wanted to stab this motherfucker in his fucking vile throat. "I'm sorry! but you can always go to the other barman." said a voice behind the angry man. It was Sano. A friend and fellow killer, He pointed to the other barman, the angry man starred daggers at Strade then walked away. Sano slapped his hands together as hard and as loud as possible, "Strade! come back!" he said. Strade didn't say a word, he just blinked, putting the knife away when he saw Sano. "Oh Sano, what brings you here?" Strade said all of a sudden, "Saving your pretty face I guess, what is wrong with you? you haven't been to my house in weeks. so I came down to see you face to face." Said Sano, looking around the room. "I'm sorry Sano, I really am. I'm just not feeling like my old self anymore." said Strade sounding sad. Sano tilted his head to one side and said "What's happened? what's changed?"  Strade pointed to an empty table in the corner and walked around the bar and walked with Sano to tell him what had happened that night.

'an hour later'

"Wow! a real demon! I'm sorry Strade." said Sano. Strade waved his hand as if to say 'nothing can be done now.' "Excuse me, the guy at the bar told me you are Mr Klaus, is that right?" said a man with flowers in his hand. Strade was confused but nodded. The man handed him a clipboard to sign then handed over the flowers. "Thanks." said the man and walked away. "Someone likes you Strade. Not me but I'll put up with you." Joked Sano, Strade saw the little card and opened it.

'I enjoy our first encounter very much! no one else has managed to please me, so if you like you can come to my new apartment. 275 Oakhill Drive. I hope that our first encounter was Not our last. Come alone. Rire x' Strade was angry and felt sick. That bastard! he was rubbing it in his face! He showed Sano the card. "Strade, do NOT go to the freaks Apartment! please! it spells bad news for you!" said Sano. Strade didn't say a word. Sano looked at his watch and whispered "I have to Go Strade I left a girl downstairs in my basement. Take care. Okay!" He walked beside Strade and hit his shoulder gently as some friends do. Strade got up and handed the flowers to a group of women then walked away.

When his shift was done Strade got in his car and stared at the card. He drove for awhile. Then parked outside an apartment block on Oakhill Drive. He closed his eyes and took in some deep breathes, then he got out and opened the trunk of his car. There were many different things in there like a hammer, a hand saw, a drill. Strade would have picked the Drill but it would be harder to hide if someone saw him. So he picked up the hammer and hid it inside his shirt covering the weapon with his arm. Strade went inside and went to the front desk, "What apartment is Rire in please." he asked. The Brunette looked at the book in front of her and said "66 Sir, that's on the 6th floor." Strade nodded and walked towards the elevator '666 some fucking sick joke.' he thought to himself. When he got to the floor, he pulled the hammer out of his shirt and walked towards Rire's door, He raised the hammer above his head when the front door suddenly opened, There was no one there. Strade went in wide eyed, "Where are you, you sick fuck!?" Called Strade. "I'm right here my love." said a deep whisper behind him, Strade froze. Why the fuck didn't he listen to Sano! he thought to himself. "Oh is that hammer for me? how kind of you." said Rire taking a hold of Strade's wrist tightly, the hammer fell with a loud thump. "Ah! you son of a bitch!" cried Strade. Rire realised his Tentacles. Rire looked down at Strade and said "I have no desire to kill you Strade. I simply want you." Strade pulled a strained face. Rire let go of Strade's wrist. "What do you want from me?" said Strade holding his wrist. "Like I said, I want you. I have never wanted a human so badly before." Said Rire sounding sincere. Did he really mean it? Strade has never had anyone love him, not even his own parents. "I know that humans like to hear why so, When we first met I had the intention to kill you, but when I was with you, I felt excepted. But I have no reasons or excuses for raping you that night. My hate and fear took over me. I hope you can forgive me." said Rire. What was happening to Strade, He didn't feel anger anymore, he was starting to feel numb. Strade sighed heavily and walked around Rire to leave, Rire didn't try to stop him. Strade opened the door and left.

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