The Morning After

Start from the beginning

 Marco: „Never heard. Anyway, come on, ask me.“

 Amy: „Never heard??!! What's wrong with you? Maybe next time, I don't have time for games today. I'll be receiving important news today too.“

 Marco: „Nothing's wrong with me, I just haven't heard of him. Fine. I'll take you out then after the results. Then get to know me.“

 Amy: „What are you even trying to do? Be a friend with me or what? I can't read minds you know.“

 Marco: „I'm just trying to get to know you and maybe make you feel a bit comfortable in Dortmund.“

 Amy: „Are you sure that's all?“

 Marco: „I'm absolutely sure.“

 Amy: „Fine. Anyway, I have to go now. They are really freaking out now, I know them.“

 Marco: „Can I at least drive you back to your hotel?“

 Amy: „Sure.“

We got dressed and he took be back to the hotel. There was a complete silence in the car apart from his radio. Justin Bieber was playing and I wanted to smash the radio, but I know I can't. Come on, Amy. Just a few more mintues, you can handle that. Before you know it, we were back at my hotel. We sat in the car a few more seconds in silence. I turned to him and he looked at me.

Amy: „Well, here we are. Thank you for the ride.“

 Marco: „What, no kiss?“

 Amy: „Don't push your luck, Marco.“

 Marco: „Just kidding. I'll call you today again, you need to tell me the result.“

 Amy: „Fine. I'm just really nervous.“

 Marco: „Naah, you'll be fine. And go now, before they kill you, or worse, kill me.“

 Amy: „Oh thank you for your kind words, it's better if I die than you. Oh what a gentleman. Anyway, I'll talk you later. Bye“

 Marco: „Sure. Bye.“

He gave me one last wink and I answered with a death stare. Well, not that kind of a death stare I gave Linda and Elena but it's still a death stare. I was standing in front of my hotel room now and before I could even knock, Elena opened the door and hit me on the head.

Amy: „Ouch. What was that for?“

 Elena: „You're serisously asking that? Where the hell have you been? I couldn't sleep all night. Did someone take you? Are you alright?!“

Amy: „Uhm, I'm really sorry about that. I was staying at Marco's because he was to drunk to take care of himself and...“

 Elena: „Oh, did you now? He sounds like bad news to me but on the other hand, he's cute. Did something happen? You know what I mean, you need to tell me everything but not now. Right now, I'm really mad at you. You could've called.“

 Amy: „No, he's a plonker. I didn't do anything. I don't even know the lad. I was just trying to prove that I'm a good person and help him. I'm sorry, I couldn't call, he kept me company and he's to clumsy to get to his own room.“

 Elena. „You slept with him? In the same bed maybe?“

 Amy: „NO! Are you insane?“

 Elena: „Not at all.“

 Amy: „Btw. how's Mark doing? What did he say?“

 Elena: „Oh better stay away from him, or even better, Marco should stay away. He's mad as a hippo with hernia.“

 Amy: „Oh I quiver with fear. I really do. What did he say?“

 Elena: „He didn't say anything, as usual when he's mad. You should at least try to talk to him, I'll be with you just in case he tries anything.“

 Amy: „Why thank you, friend.“

We went to Mark's room and he just sat there, in silence. When he heard my voice, he just slowely turned around and I could feel his anger in his eyes.

Amy: „You don't looks so good.“

 Mark: „I'm perfectly fine.“

He always says that when he's mad.

Amy: „Don't lie to me, Mark. I know you well.“

 Mark: „You think.“

 Amy: „Look, I'm not going to lie, I don't want to. I went out with that Marco lad I told you and he was drunk and I went to his place and...“

 Mark: „You did what? Did he do something wrong? Tell me, darling. Should I get rid of him in Mycroft style or not?“

 Amy: „No, he didn't. And you're not going to touch him. I don't have anything with him, but if I get in trouble, it's up to me to decide.“

 Mark: „You know I'm capable or anything. I need to meet him first.“

 Amy: „I know you are, that why I said it's up to me to decide. I..I don't think that a good idea. Not that I don't want you to, but as far as I've seen, no one can mess with his mind.“

 Mark: „Oh you just wait and see.“

 Amy: „No, better not.“

Thank God my phone stopped this conversation. We could've had a big discussion here and that doesn't end up well when it's him and me. Out of us three girls, I'm the one who always speaks her mind and no one can mess with it. I recognised the number, it's Dortmund HQ. This is it, my life depends on this call. I was so nervous but still managed to press „Answer

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