Chapter Fifteen

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It was Friday, the day before the dance. Beside me, Chloe gabbed happily as we window shopped for dresses.

"Hows this one?" she pointed to a bright pink dress that had sparkles everywhere along with a billowing bottom half.

I made a face, "Too pink, and... sparkly."

"Yes, but it would show off your curves," all week I'd stayed at Chloe's house, she'd gotten her dress on Tuesday and was now making it her duty to get me a dress so that she could dress me up like a doll.


"Colten would love it!" she squealed, bouncing on the balls of her feet, "Okay, lets go in here and find you a pretty dress!"

Once inside the store, Deb, Chloe mulled over each dress. It felt like forever when she finally gushed happily over to me, "I found a beauty for you!" she sang merrily.

I took in the dress she held out to me, it was a sunset orange. It was, of course, strapless and had a brown leather braided belt around the torso. It would most likely go down to my knees, but it had a billowy, thin, bottom. It was beautiful, and that said a lot coming from me.

"You have to try it on!" she smiled brighter then the sun. A few people shushed her, but she ignored them.

"Okay," I finally agreed, taking the soft material in my hands, "Do you think it'll fit?"

She bobbed her head, her hair bouncing in its curls. "I know your size, girl, no worries."

Despite my previous mood, I smiled, happy that we had finally found a dress that I liked. Chloe took my hand and pulled me to the back of the store, then she shoved me into a dressing room, gave me a 'good luck' smile and then closed the door.

"When you get it on, you have to show me," she demanded, but I could her the smile in her voice.

"Okay," I said softly, carefully slipping off my clothes, before I pulled the dress on. Seeing myself in it... was stunning. The very edge of the dress went down below my knees, but it was flowy and was shorter in the front then in the back.

"Come on, Ali, let me see!" Chloe insisted.

I blinked, taking one last glance before opening the dressing room door. When Chloe's eyes locked on me, she gasped before squealing.

"Ohmigod! It's beautiful!" she cheered, hugging me, then changing her mind she pushed me back into the dressing room. "Your so getting that!"

I changed quickly, slinging the dress over my arm and opening the door. Chloe, looped her arm with mine and skipped me up to the register, where I pulled out my wallet, ready for a big number. Chloe put the dress up on the counter and the lady rung it up.

"Your total is $62.89," she lifts the dress into a bag, before holding her hand out.

I took out a fifty, a ten, and four ones. "Keep the change," I grabbed the bag off the counter and took the receipt. Chloe, who was still smiling ear to ear, looped arms with me again and began to pull me out if Deb.

"We have to get out of here before I officially go broke," She jested, "Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be someone else?"

I nodded, "Ya, but Im happy with who I am now, I have you and Colt, not to mention Im living every teenage girl's dream, to date the bad boy, have a ton of money, and have that supportive best friend."

She elbowed me playfully, "Hahaha, Ali,now come on to DSW!"

Chloe pumped her fist in the air, excitement making her features looked brighter. I laughed, "Don't forget that I have a date on Sunday night, Chloe, I may need your girly skills that evening," I teased.

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