So I'm walking to school,right? [1.WHY?!]

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So this is where the story begins..

Hello. My name is Lyris Anna Rain. I know,I have three names,do I care? No,I don't. I'm a 15 year old girl,suffering the pains of high school. I'm not the richest person in the world. My dad died 7 years ago and my mom..

Well... Let's just say I'm not a fan. ;Sighs;

I'm an only child with a lot of friends. How fun.

Please note the sarcasm. Well. This is my life. And I welcome you to it.

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''Lyris! Where the fuck are the eggs?!''

I looked over lazily from couch to my oh,so 'wonderful' mother.

''Where YOU always put them. '' I yawned.

"They're not fucking here! This is why I fucking hate having you put away shit,I swear, if your father were her-''

''WELL HE'S NOT HERE MOM. HE WILL NEVER BE 'HERE' ANYMORE!'' I growled as I pushed myself off the couch. I walked into the kitchen, purposely bumping shoulders with my mother. I looked into the already opened fridge,moved a gallon of milk and rolled my eyes as I pulled out the eggs.

''Here!'' I said shoving the eggs to my mother. ''Happy?! Why don't you look before you start to bitch at me.'' With that said, I walked from the kitchen to the living room turning off the T.V, grabbed the opened bag of lemon flavored potato chips, and walked into my room,slamming the door behind me.

That stupid bitch.

Where the fuck does she get off. She should know better then to bring up dad like that..

I sighed.


Fuck her.  

Fuck this house.  

And Fuck this town.

I put the bag of chips on the nightstand,turned off the lights and flopped down on my bed. My eyelids got heavy as I fell into a dreamless sleep.

God....Bring back my dad....

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''Ughhh'' I groaned as I pushed, no, SLAMMED, the snooze button.  

Stupid alarm clock. Stupid Mondays.


I forced myself out of bed, yawning and stretching. I got up to my feet and walked myself the my closet.

Hmmm....What should I wear?...

I shrugged at the thought.

So I decided a pair of dark skinny jeans, a very slim fitting white shirt and a over-sized gray hoodie would be a good choice today. But then again.... I always wear the hoodie..

I sighed. I know why I always wear it...  

Gosh I miss you dad..

I shook away the thought and slipped on my REALLY worn out converse. I grabbed my backpack and my iPod and went off to school.  


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''They taped over your mouth,scribbled out the truth,with their lies,your little spies...'' I hummed.  

Gosh I love this song. It's so...


I turned around pulling out one of my headphones.

What the fuck was that?  

I could of sworn I heard someone running....

Nah,It was probably a dog.

I put back on the headphone and turned around. As soon as I turned around,somebody crashed into me.They didn't even walk into me,they RAN into me!

I fell to the ground with some random guy on top of me.





''What the hell,watch where your g-''

I was cut off by the guy as soon as his deep,amber eyes looked up at me.

His face lit up.

''Your perfect!'' He screamed in a heavy British accent.

I just looked at him dumbfolded.  

''Huh?'' I said dumbly. I could honestly say, I made this face "o_o''. I mean,this guy is HOT! His hair is amazing, his eyes are to die for,AND his British!? How the hell am I perfect!?

''Be my girlfriend.'' He said blunty.

Oh god,his voice is so.... HUH!?

What the hell is going on here!?

Some random hot,emo, British dude ran into me, and asks me to be his girlfriend?! THE BITCH DIDN'T EVEN SAY SORRY!!

Just then,I heard another pair of running feet. I tried to see who they were from but..

I couldn't cause this GUY was still ON ME!

''Shit..'' He whispered as he glanced behind him.

He looked back down at me and crashed his lips onto mine.






So I'm walking to school,right?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora