People need to stop.

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Okay it's been a long time since I've posted on here but this is yet again something that's not related to Twilight or Harry Potter. This is something I would like to share because it's been happening a lot in my school and we are struggling with all the suicides happening. This is near and dear to my heart and I hope you spread the word to stop bullying.


I think that all the time wasted in the world, that people have to downgrade each other. They go around telling everyone to 'shut up' or they tease and push them around. Some say they may like you some. Say it's just joking, others say it's bullying. They have no hearts they break the good ones just to survive on the broken chunks like Voldemort. They fuel on fear and tears. They drive people away from good people and towards bad people. Bad influences = bad shit. People at my school have no power to stop themselves from committing murder to innocent people. People they hurt, people they thought would take it as a joke. But that one person who is holding on for dear life is just hanging on by a thread. She closes her eyes at night and hopes she doesn't cry, she hopes she doesn't have those dreams of wanting the pain to just end. She gets up every morning and puts a smile on her face just so it looks like it's okay. She walks the halls and people scream 'shut up' 'god why don't you stop talking.' 'Do you ever stop?' at her. She just rolls her eyes and smiles. But she knows it only gets worse through out the day everyday. She knows it'd hurt people too much for her to leave and that it's never the option. But when she has so much pain, she acts so fake, she doesn't even know who she is anymore, she quit trying and gave up. Hoping then she'd find something to hold onto other than having a foot above her ready to shove her off a cliff. Wouldn't she then consider taking her life and letting them get again commit another case of murder? But she doesn't give in she powers through she just goes week by week,day by day, hour my hour, minute by minute, second by second and just then she finds some itsy bitsy little hope. That's the only thing she has to hold onto.


Bullying is a real problem it's happened to me. It's happened to my friends. No one likes to get bullied, it hurts and makes you want to just shrivel up into a ball and call it quits. We've had three or four suicides at my school this school year. Even then people don't understand that they are the ones pushing them to take there own life. So spread kindness and help people who may not be in the best position with others. People just need to stop being dicks and get a life.

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