Twilight questions

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These questions are multiple choice. Comment what you think the answer is for each question.

This game/question is called: QUOTE QUIZ MATCHUP

Ok the directions are~ I will give a quote or part of text from one of the four books. Then I'll list the four books, and then you comment your answer. Good Luck!!!

When I dreamed, I stood in the forest again, but I didn't wander. I was holding Emily's scarred hand as we faced into the shadows and waited anxiously for our werewolves to come home.
Is that from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

"I just beheaded and dismembered a sentient creature not twenty yards from you. That doesn't bother you?"
Is that from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

"Could you... Well, try to not be a... Werewolf?"
Is that from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

"What of I'm not a super hero? What if I'm the bad guy?"
Is that from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

Stupid, shiny, Volvo owner.
Is that from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

"Wait till he hangs up his gun!"
Is that from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb... What a stupid lamb. What a sick, masochistic lion.
Is that from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

"I bet she's tougher than that. She runs with vampires."
Is that from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

So what your saying is, I'm your brand of heroin?
Is that from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

If the silence in my head lasted, I would never go back. I wouldn't be the first one to chose this form over the other. Maybe, if I ran far enough away, I would never have to hear again... I pushed my legs faster, letting Jacob Black disappear behind me.
Is this from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

They have a name for someone who smells the way Bella does to me. They call her my singer-because her blood sings for me.
Is this from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

Go fetch a space heater. I'm not a St. Bernard.
Is this from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

Which is tempting you more, my blood or my body?
Is this from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

Bella, we're up to bat.
Is this from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

You brought a snack?
Is this from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

Why am I covered in feathers?
Is this from:
A) Twilight
B) New Moon
C) Eclipse
D) Breaking Dawn

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