Day 3-A Trip To The Lab

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Location: Snarfer's Back Porch
Time: About 7:30

Snarfer's mom stood on the back porch with her arms spread out, as if absorbing the sunlight. Meowth stood behind her a few feet away from Snarfer who stood at his mom's left side.
"What beautiful weather!" cried his mother. "I wonder what today will bring me?"

*doorbell rings*

"...?". She put her arms down and turned around. "A visitor!"she cried. "If it's Kukui, he'll probably let himself in without even waiting for us to open the door!" she said joyfully.
Snarfer walked inside to go open the door.

Location: Snarfer's Kitchen
Time: 7:31

Snarfer walked across the kitchen, expecting Kukui to come walking in. But he didn't. So Snarfer walked outside.

Location: Route 1
Time: 7:32

Snarfer walked outside and stood on his porch, looking around. Then he saw Lillie at the bottom of the stairs. He walked down to her.
"Hey there, Lillie. Did you need something?" asked Snarfer.

"Oh. Um...The professor said..."Hey there, Lillie! Bring me that great new Trainer. Woo!" So I'm here to show you the way to his Pokémon lab, if you'll come with me. It's, um...Its this way." she said turning around. Lillie and Snarfer turned and began to walk towards the lab when they heard the front door open.

"Snarfer!" shouted his mom. His mom walked up to Snarfer, Meowth staying on the porch. "Here. A little pocket money for you. Don't go wasting it on anything too silly."

"Thanks, mom." She handed him the money. Snarfer put it in his bag.

You obtained ₽1,500!

His mom turned to Lillie. "Oh! Well done, Snarfer. You're already making friends, aren't you? And what a cute little friend you've found! I knew Alola would be a great place for us. We just keep meeting wonderful people here!"

Lillie smiled. "M-me? Well, thank you...My name is Lillie. It's very nice to meet you."

Snarfer's mom nodded and turned to Snarfer. "Looks like it's finally your time to shine, sweetie! Enjoy yourself out there with Litten. And don't be gone too long!"

"Mrawr!" shouted Meowth from the porch.

Snarfer's mom walked back up the porch and went inside, Meowth following her.

Lillie looked at Snarfer, smiling. "You...have a very nice mother, don't you?"

"Yeah, I guess." Snarfer responded.

"We should get going." said Lillie.
"I'll show you to the Pokémon Research Lab." Lillie turned around and began to walk away, Snarfer following her. He walked forwards on Route 1 and turned right down a path. Lillie stood at the bottom of the tiny hill, waiting. Snarfer stood on the hill, looking to Lillie. "Are you sure this is the right way?" asked Snarfer, looking at a field of tall grass.

"You can only reach the professor's lab by treading through the tall grass here. He says he can research moves better when he is so surrounded by Pokémon." said Lillie.

Snarfer ran down the tiny hill to Lillie.

Lillie put her hand on something in her pocket."Since I'm not a Trainer, though, I have to rely on using Repels all the time. You do know that using Repel keeps Pokémon from attacking, right?

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