The usual half-mocking Joey was gone. Replaced with something darker and stronger.

Something highly trained, controlled, and ready to kill.

Only difference was that he had a soul... I did not and never would.

Anastasia looked around, dazed before Aife pushed her forward and away from her with a scowl.

"This one 'as been bitchin' this mornin' since she woke up 'nd you were nae there." Joey glanced at all of us before straightening, holding out his hand.

"Hello Aife, lovely to meet you. I have heard, and read much about you." His voice was rehearsed, formal and trying not to offend. "This is my first time meeting a witch, let alone one as powerful as yourself." Aife's head poked over his shoulder, giving me a raised look.

"I did not tell him anything. You should know that." I picked up my coffee, cradling it to myself as my eyes darted around the room.

"Well 'ho doesnae love a fan?" She held out her hand to his and took it gently, a crooked grin lighting up her face and crinkling her eyes. "Did nae expect yer boy to know me."

"He is not 'my boy' nor will he ever be." My eyes would not meet him. Instead I watched the dark swirling mass within my mug. "Nor will he ever be. I do not even know him." I could see his body react to that, causing my stomach to twinge.

There came a scoff from Anastasia. One I did not appreciate.

"Ah yes, I fergot you were brainwashed ta nae get attached." My mug hit the table a little too harshly, coffee threatening to wash over the sides and burn everything on the table in it's heat.

My gaze burned red as I raised up out of my chair.

"I believe it is time for you to leave, Aife." Chest tight, heart ready to fight, my burning gaze held her static blue one for a moment.

"Fine. You know where I will be next time you need someone who understands." She left the apartment, slamming the door behind her.

The abyss resumed its previous torture. You should not have done that. She is a powerful ally.

I turned to the other two in the room, my red gaze deactivating.

"Joey. Bring Anastasia up to speed. I will make a call and get us into the party." With a wave of my hands, my phone appeared in my hands. It did not take me long before I heard the steady tone of a call going out.

"Hey there Red! How you doing?" The voice came out in delicate French.

"Hello Jacques. Are you busy?" Anastasia turned to look at me upon hearing a new language escape my lips. I turned away from her slightly and began looking around the apartment.

"Never too busy for you mon cheri. What do you need me to do for you?" I was close enough to Joey to have him hear Jacques, it seemed from the stunned reaction on his face.

I quickly placed the phone on my shoulder.

"Where is your laptop?" As he walked away I went back over to the kitchen table. "The usual Jacques, why else would I be calling?"

"You could be finally saying yes to my offer to take you out for a date, mon amour." I rolled my eyes briefly at that. "I'm in Tokyo now, Paris was too stifling for my delicate sensibilities."

"How bad?" I straightened bracing my fingers on the tabletop, nails threatening to dig into the lacquer.

"As much as I would love to have you running to my rescue mon amour, you were not needed. Besides, I seem to prefer Tokyo much more, even though I cannot speak a single word of their language." There was a brief pause. "I'm tracking your phone now. I'm also going to enhance the encryption when I'm done. You are very much overdue."

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