Chapter 4.

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When it was time, Anastasia met me out in the main area of the shop. A current client was being entertained, but other than that, it was silent. I took in her full black clothing, sighing slightly. I was wearing my usual army surplus clothing, khaki jacket, thick black boots, dark jeans and a black shirt. A knife in each boot, twin gun holsters around my ribs.

"Your hair is long. Tie it up and have a small splash of colour. All black is too obvious with your looks." I turned away from her, resisting the urge to check my rounds again for the third time. I rolled my shoulders, stretching over and over making sure I was limber as the night began to darken, stars clouded. 

Anastasia was back a few moments later and I could feel Gloria's gaze upon me.

"Good luck." She mouthed as I picked up my heavy 'gym' bag managing to steady it well on my back without any weapons showing. Not even the extra gun stuffed into the back of my jeans. As we strode out, I did not look back. I could not. Anastasia did not share the same weakness.

It wasn't long until we were back at his work building. Less than a week's worth of preparation led up to this. 

Anastasia was of course frustrated by my not including her in the minor details. I do not want her to know how to do this when I leave. Especially not if she enjoyed it. God forbid.

"So... Why are you carrying that when you could just... Teleport it when you need it?" I rolled my eyes briefly as the warm sigh pulled from my lungs lifted my hair.

"Conservation of energy." My steps did not falter once as the building came up into view. I need to pull this off right. I told myself as we came to the front doors. Anastasia paused for a moment before hurrying as I began to shoulder through the revolving doors.

"What are you doing?! Shouldn't we like-" My voice broke over her own as we came to the first floor of the building, the standard three security team in place as expected.

"Hi there!" I drawled, cutting off my vowels similarly to Alaric. "We could do with some help." One of the three sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Let me guess. First time in big city and you're lost." The other two let out chuckles, to which the first joined in. The bag strap burned as it fell out of my hand and I moved. 

The floor pounded under my feet, once, twice, three times before I vaulted over the desk. Vision burning red. Twisting, the dagger in my left boot dug itself into the neck of the foremost security guard. A dark red flower slowly blooming in the thick syrup of time. Everything was tainted red but I knew the real colour of each shade of red.

Landing in a crouch, I spun kicking out the leg of the next closest body. My other dagger found its target in his chest and drove down hard. With less effort than should be needed, I twisted it slightly before glancing up to the last man standing. There was a glint in his hand as it slowly swung up in an arch aiming for my own chest. Gun

With a snarl I abandoned my dagger and pushed. We fell tangled together in a heap, his head knocking off of the ground with a dull thump.

My breath came out haggard in red clouds as I fisted my hands in his rough sandy yellow hair. With a yell of strain, I pulled before forcing his head down with all of the strength I had within me. A crack formed in the ground underneath his head. Again young one! AGAIN! 

The crack grew larger into a complex spiderweb. Then it began to fill with his hot life blood. The same colour as my burning irises.

With a start I rose, collecting both of my daggers again, wiping them on the dead's clothes. My feet staggered slightly as the world sped back up to its usual speed. Vision still glowing red, I struggled to control myself and my breath. 

The Girl Called RedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ