Chapter 5.

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"Hello gentlemen," A man in a swift tailored suit sat in front of a large board of people. The artificial light glinted off of the white, pristine surface of the table. "I'm just going to get straight to it." A slideshow burst to life behind him with a wave of his hand. 

There's twenty people. Just sitting at the table, private security excluded. Even in someone else's mind I felt in control.

A familiar picture formed out of the blur. "As we all are aware; the world is not our own. There are many creatures that walk these parts, none more dangerous than-" The picture split off forming many surveillance photos as the man paused, eyes slithering over the room. "These so called 'psychics'. The creatures leave us alone but these-these freaks of nature share our DNA." He paused again, for effect surely. "They have been useful, yes?"

The whole room agreed, causing a shudder to roll down my back. 

I was one of those deemed 'useful'. 

"But, we have allowed ourselves to rely on some of them, and ignored others." A frown line formed between 'Eric Koch's' eyebrows. Sitting next to my standing form he sat with his shoulders raised. Alert. "We cannot allow for these impurities any longer. And that is why I'd like to introduce..." A cruel glint formed in the depths of his eyes. 'Eric' opened the folder that had been passed to him. Two words stood at the top of the page:


"Project Shoah?!" His voice was deep and shaking. "That's what they called the Holocaust!

That's where I knew it from...The thought was not comforting in the slightest.

"Why yes General Anderson. What an astute observation." Sarcasm dripped off of the man's tongue so thick I could almost see it. "Who would've thought a glorified soldier with little to no field experience would actually have brains." The room erupted into small chuckles. "This is a first." 

The memory shifted, not very clear as it jumped slightly. Information already removed for other memories.

"You plan on executing an entire race!" General Anderson stood up, throwing the file away from him towards the other man. "You need all of our approval to go through with this and I for one, will not go along with it!" The memory turned hazy just as the general began storming out but I could still see the face of our would-be executioner, and his man behind him. 

Oh no...

I was thrust back into my body as Anastasia's hand left mine. I backed up away from the man, my mind reeling from all the added information. Especially one part.

"Betrayed." I rasped, my tongue slipping against my still aching teeth. To an outside authority it must have appeared like we had gotten all the information needed. That must have been why a red dot crawled onto the General's forehead. "Anastasia GET DOWN!" I roared as the glass behind me broke, a lone bullet knocking the good General's head back. 

He was fighting... For us

I teleported over to Anastasia, grabbed her arm and ran towards the now broken window. She came easily, shock morphing her features into that of a small child's.

The rifle fired again, it's bullet digging into my shoulder as I turned my body to the side, pulling Anastasia with me to jump

Knocking back into herself she let out an ear splitting scream.

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