Chapter two

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I stared at her with wide eyes, unsure If I should push this girl off me or allow her presence to come closer. I watched as her eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips as I did the same. There was no question I liked her at first sight, but as lonely as I am, this girl would only bring me trouble. I did the last thing any straight guy would do and pushed out of her closeness.

"I...Class has started." I stuttered the only excuse I could think of, noticing the empty hallways. I turned my back so I wouldn't have to look at her and repeated what she said. Mine. I thought. What is that supposed to mean. I had little time to comprehend what was happening as I felt my body jerk back with a loud hiss as I felt my body being slammed to the floor. My head slammed hard against the ground causing my vision to blur.

I cursed and blinked several times at the sudden force, trying to comprehend what in the world is going on, just to see her face in view. My body wouldn't obey my commands and instead, shut itself down every time I tried to reach for something. I felt weak and humiliated by the act of my body.

"You are mine." She whispered and her eyes flashed a light silver before my vision blackened and my body shut down.


"He is mine, touch him and I will make sure all of you suffer."

"He is human, what do you expect from a peasant like-"

"Call him that again...go on." I could hear the conversation loud and clear but my eyes refused to open. I could hear muffles and the sound of someone choking but then the voices started speaking in an unknown language. I forced my body to move, starting with the twitch of my fingers then to the jerk of my leg until finally opening my eyes.

As they did, I came into view of the girl I just met clenching her small pale hand around the neck of man twice her size. I was amazed along with frightened, not knowing which emotion I should feel at the sight before me. As if hearing my thoughts, the girl turned to look at me.

"You shalln't fear me." She said with a emotionless yet melodic voice. It was then that I realized I wasn't passed out on the floors of my schools hallways but on a king sized bed in a very luxurious room. The girl was standing right out side the door with the man hanging off the end of her hand effortlessly. The man glanced my way and glared coldly.

"Where the hell am I?" I questioned, throwing my legs off the bed. "How did I get here?" I continued, pushing my legs off the bed. The girl threw the man out of sight followed by the loud sound of him crashing into something.

"You are in my home. I brought you here." She said so casually, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.


"I said I brought-"

"I know what you said."

"Then why did you ask-"

"It's a figure of speech, it doesn't matter. Why the hell did you bring me here? And was it you that knocked me out!" I shout. I felt horrible for doing so but it was the most reasonable thing to do. What the hell happened at school? She seemed to be analyzing me intently, staring at my face as though something were on it. I stared right back except I was angry and confused.

Instead of waiting for an answer, I moved around her and searched for an exit, seeing the hallway as the only way out. I managed to reach the very top of the gran staircase and couldn't help but admire the way everything in this building seemed to gleam and shine. This building could possibly be a mansion but I wouldn't know unless I saw more of the place. As I took my first step down the staircase, I felt my shirt being gripped as i took a second step, restricting me from moving.

"What are you doing?" I frown and turn to see her. Her face was as neutral as I've seen since the first time I saw her. Emotionless and uncaring.

"Let go." I tell her. She continued to hold my shirt with the same look upon her face.

"You are mine. Therefore you will stay with me." My eyes widened at her words, remembering her say those exact words as her eyes flashed a bright silvery colour.

"I am not yours." I frowned, ripping out of her hold. "And I will not stay here with you, creep." I muttered and ran down the staircase. As I reached the landing, my face was hit with so much force that I felt my body being flung in the opposite direction of which I came, feeling pain exploding in my face and my back.

"Fucking peasant."

I slowly reached out to touch my face, my body twitching uncontrollably. I pulled my hand away and stared down, my blood staining my fingers. I looked up to see the man that she was holding by the neck before, standing a couple of meters away from me with a smirk as clear as day.

Just as fast as it happened, it ended. She appeared in front of him with incredible speed and movement. It took the blink of an eye to realize his head was missing from his shoulders. I stared at it with wide eyes as it rolled over to the bottom of the step. I felt the bile rise in my throat as she turned to look at me. Her hand was covered in blood and her eyes were a shiny, pale silver. She raised her blooded hand to her plumb, pink lips and cracked open her mouth.

My eyes widened at the site, unbelieving and terrified. Out popped her long sharp teeth or what most people call, fangs as she brought her blooded hand to her mouth, licking and suckling on her slender fingers.

"W..what..." I tried to speak but fear was making me stutter. "W...what are" She closed her eyes and licked down her hand more, clearly in satisfaction and bliss. I tried standing to my feet but as soon as she heard movement, my body was being pinned down to the staircase, the pain in my back subsiding as a mixture of emotions stirred and exploded at her touch.

"I'm a vampire."

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