Chapter One

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Everything Mason has ever hated. He wasn't a popular kid, he wasn't a nerd though his marks could've taken him there, he wasn't a bleacher and he wasn't a gangster.

He was a loner. Not just any loner, the loner. The kid that preferred to hangout with insects rather than his own kind. His mind would drift to what it would be like to be a bug. Not much different to the life now. He thought. Bugs are tiny just like his personality. Quiet and conservative. They're defenceless against bigger insects, just like the school's jocks going seven on one against the nerds or people like him. And bugs were just like him. A spider he referred himself to.

They were loners as well. Tiny but can appear giant when approached. Just like him. He was never picked on as a kid because he was good at hiding and his figure deceived the eyes of woman.

He's tall. Too tall for his liking, reaching over six feet and a few inches. If Mason wasn't well toned with a bit of muscle, he'd appear lanky and have the body image of the infamous slender man.

Mason's complexion matched his mother's, pale and his eyes are a dark brown. He inherited his eyes, hair colour and witt from his father, dark brown almost black hair with a humour that erupted laughter when ever he felt like making someone angry.

"Mason Lannis" A voice mocked from behind him. Mason turned with a bored look on his face, turning to see Robert, a person who always challeneged him at a game of softball.

"Robert." Said Mason. His eyes held nothing but boredom, something not even Robert would be able to change.

"When are you going to challenge me? When's my rematch?" Asks Robert as his friends stand beside him grinning.

"Rematch? The match I beat you in was four years ago."

"Who cares about the time, are you or are you not going to rematch?"

"Not." Said Mason and turned to walk away. The last time he played was with his father. Just like his father, he was a good pitcher, no, he was a great pitcher and that was one of the reasons why his softball team always won. Just as Mason was going to turn the corner, a hand reached down and clamped his shoulder, forcefully pulling him back and slamming him against the wall.

"Listen here, Lannis." Robert seethed, bringing his face as close as he could. Robert was shorter than Mason so the sight of this brought peers in out of curiousity with the usual chorus of chuckles and giggles.

"You're going to rematch, whether you like it or not."Robert said more loudly with a strong glare. Mason's face still held boredom. He's never been confronted like he has now, and he doesn't want it to start now. He pushed Robert off him and straightened out his shirt.

"Not happening. I have no friends to ask for players let alone want to rematch a game that happened four years ago. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a class to be sitting in." With that, Mason pushed past him and the crowd of on-lookers and walked off around the corner to his class. Robert was about to walk after him but Mason already entered his classroom, just as the bell for homeroom sounded.

Mason took his usual seat at the back near the window, he reached out to the window and opened it with a swift flick of his wrist, feeling the cool breeze blow past his face. He slouched in his seat and waited for the class to settle and the teacher to walk in.

"Class! Settle!" Mr.Rompant shouted. His glasses were hanging at the tip of his nose, revealing the stone cold grey eyes that matched his greying hair. It also reminded Jaime of Roberts stone-like eyes. Mocking every time he saw them. Mr. Rompant managed to get the class settled down and set out just as there was a soft knock on the door.

All eyes landed at the cause of disruption. Mr.Rompant frowned and went to open the door.

"Ahh, yes. I remember. Does she have a timetable?" Mr. Rompant asked. She? Mason thought. A new girl? Why would anyone want to come to this school?

Mason couldn't hear the discussion from then on. A few minutes after the womanly voice he recognised as Miss Sullivan no longer echoed throughout the halls, Mr.Rompant led the way into his classroom with a smaller figure standing beside him. Mason frowned just as the figure turned to look at the class.

Mason gulped. He gazed at the girl with wide eyes. She was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. Her hair was like gold, a blonde that shone all the way to the tips of her hair, waving past her shoulders. Her face was mostly covered with a thick blonde front bang, as they call it, hiding most of her face. Her skin is pale, possibly more pale than Mason's though what captured his attention the most were her stunning light blue eyes.

At the thought of comparing those eyes to his mothers, the girl's eyes made contact with his. Her eyes stayed on his longer than the usual stare, forcing Mason to look elsewhere.

"Class." Mr.Rompant began. "This is Leila Silvyster. She is obviously new here so make her feel welcome." Mr.Rompant smiled. "Take which ever seat you like, Leila." Mr. Rompant announced dismissively. Mason felt eyes burning on the side of his face as he stared out the window but refused to meet them. He knew they were hers and he felt the need to look at her but his attenion was solely focused on a tree.

Mason heard loud clicks tapping the floor, the footsteps echoeing closer to him. His eyes drifted to another tree and another, following the wind as it made them sway left to right, the dark grey clouds concealing the shine of the sun.

The clicks were so loud now, they stopped right beside him, feeling a small breeze as Leila turned and took a seat at the desk right next to his. Mason continued to stare out the window until his attention was snapped to the girl sitting only a meter away.

Mason glanced to see Leila holding a broken pencil in her left hand, staring at it with furrowed brows. Mason stared at her, not knowing what else to do, just as a person he knew as, Caleb, handed her a pen. Mason frowned, feeling the sudden urge to rip his hands away fom her and hand Leila the pen himself. As crazy as the thought was, Mason turned his attention back to the trees, zoning out for the rest of the class.

The bell rang for first period and he walked out of there faster than the person who was sitting right next to the door. Mason was searching through his bag for his key to his locker, pulling and ripping out books frustratedly. Mason was so absorbed in his own world, he didn't see the person in front of him and ended up colliding with them. He looked up and met the light blue eyes he met in homeroom.

What the? He thought. I thought I was the first to leave the room.

Leila stood there with expecting eyes, confusing Mason for a second.

"Oh, sorry." He mumbled and pushed past her, not wanting to cause trouble. He knew that a girl like her would make it up to the popular kids if she hadn't already and she'd probably be already dating the quater-back of the football team or the ice hockey captain, trouble is the last thing he wants.

Mason felt something grab his hand and a sudden bolt of electricity sending endless waves vibrating through his body. He jerked away from the touch and turned.

It was Leila. He craddled his hand and stared at it. The shock sent waves of pain and pleasure up his arm and around his body. Mason stared at his hand confused, unsure what to think. Leila took a step towards him and he instinctivly moved back.

What the hell was that? he thought

"It was me." Leila said loudly. Mason took a few more steps away with wide eyes. Did she just answer my question? Mason thought. A question that didn't leave my lips? Leila took a step closer to Mason every time he took a step back until Mason bumped into the lockers. Leila moved as close to him as possible, almost touching her body with his, gazing intently into his eyes.

"Mine."She whispered

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