Chapter 9; Elaina

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Sunlight hit my face and I was woken by something or someone poking my face, My eyes stung as i tried to open them, the poking started getting harder, i sat up and once my vision cleared and  saw Elaina staring at me while trying to suppress her giggle.

"Mummy, can we have breakfast now?" she asked in a cute voice that no one could resist.


I put Elaina down on the countertop and started making Pancakes and bacon. The smell of bacon made my stomach rumble, and we both dug into our breakfast, half an hour later Elaina and I finished our breakfast so we went into the woods behind the house to play.

"Mummy, Mummy, lets have a race" she called

"Okay, ready, set, go!" and we both ran through the woods, me and elaina were almost tied but Elaina sped past me and touched the rock by the waterfall and started jumping up and down. Before i could reach Elaina a dark form rose from the water and grabbed her, I changed into my wolf form to run faster but I was too late, the person evaporated into the air and had taken Elaina with them. My wolf was so angry it howled in pain, I couldn't trsce Elaina and because she isn't a full werewolf I couldn't contact her through the mindlink.

/Blake! Elaina.. sh-shes gone/

/What!? hold on, where are you?/

/Lake, in the forest, come quickly/

a few minutes later Blake came in his wolf form followed by spencer I slowly stood up and nudged my nose against blakes

/I cant smell them/ Blake told me in the Mind link

we both transformed back to our human forms, Spencer had to cover his eyes when blake changed.

" I cant see wherre they went, but i can find traces of hypothem, they must of used it to cover their tracks" Spencer told us, His eyes were a bright red colour and his fangs were showing. 

" You should go feed, I 'll get the other guys to come help" I told him

He nodded and headed east where some humans were, Even though I didn't like the fact that he fed on humans I knew it was something he needed to survive.

/Guys! hurry up and get ready, Elaina's missing/ Blake sad to the rest of our pack

------------------------------Elaina's POV----------------

"What the hell!? do you know how worried my mother will be!?" I screamed at Josh, The guy who took me

he sniggered and replied, " The great Elaina actually cares about her 'mother'? she's just someone you're supposed to protect"

"I know but she's treated me so well even though she's going through so much right now, she still manages to look after me"

"pfft all of us are working hard as well, Anyways the reason why I brought you here is because of Peyton, but before I continue, you should change back to your normal form, its hard talking to a baby"

I changed back into my fairy form and could feel my wings itching t move but i had to wait.

"What is it?" I asked impatiently

" There's a spy amongst your pack, he's very close to Peyton, wear this necklace, it'll tell you when your close to that person."

"And what do I do with that person?" I asked

"Well, your identity cant be revealed so the only thing you can do is send some signs to Peyton, hopefully she'll understand what your saying" 

"Okay, is there anything else you want to tell me or can I go back?"

"You can go now, take care kiddo"

"Bye Josh"

I changed back into my 4 year-old form and teleported back home.


Mariah POV


Oh my god, what is wrong with everyone? I muttered to myself

the sounds grew louder so i quickly put on my clothes and walked down stairs.

"What is going on!?"

everyone froze and looked at me and then went back to flipping couches and looking under rugs

"I said what's going on!?" 

" Elaina's gone missing!"

"Sh- what!? how?" I asked

" someone took her" exclaimed Heath he clenched his fists and all of a sudden lightning and thunder started roaring outside

"Calm down! what if someone gets electrecuted outside?"

"oh sorry" he said and chanted for the lightning to stop

"GUYS listen up! If Elaina was kidnapped do you think that she's going to be hidden under the couch? No, we need to put our skills together to find her! Ready?"

"READY!" Everyone yelled

"Mariah?" Elaina called

we all turned to the voice and saw Elaina in Peytons arms

"We found her, she was in the woods" Peyton exclaimed

I quickly ran over and carried Elaina, I noticed she wore a necklace and it was glowing brightly



I am deeply sorry for the late upload again, as a sign of my sorryness please accept this double choc chip icecream topped of wth whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate chips and mini marshmellows!

Smile and be happy


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