Chapter 14 [Final]

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  • Dedicated to EVERYONE READING THIS!!


"Good to see the monster in you is still alive" He whispered evilly

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I gasped in pain as the knife seared into my abdomen, my stomach burned as he twisted the blade. Warm crimson liquid dribbled out as he slowly pulled out the knife, my vision began to fade and my body felt heavy. I could feel my heart beating faster, trying to keep me alive as my body lost more blood.

I clenched my bloodied fists, fighting the urge to scream out in pain as it would only satisfy him more. I was slowly slipping into the dark abyss, everything turned black but I could hear voices.

I had failed. I let my pack down. All was lost now and it was all because of me. Because of this curse.


The thirst for power created a monster in everyone. Greed for power has caused war and in turn, hate and death. And revenge is bred from hate.

But there is always a savior. Unfortunately it wasn't me.

//Yes you are, my child.

You must not give up. Your loved ones are waiting for you. They have out all of their hope in you. 

You are the one. Fight, Peyton.

You will win. Good bye child.//

The voice faded away and the darkness turned into light. Visions of my pack filtered through my mind. Happy, smiling faces, these people were waiting for me. 

I had to fight. I had to fight for them.

My eyes flickered open, the man had his back turned and it looked like he was setting up something. 

Quietly I sat up but doubled over in pain. My head pounded and ached, I stood up again, steadying myself against the wall.

//I will be here to protect you, the faith everyone put in you will make you stronger// The voice whispered in my head

The cut in my stomach ached and wasn't healing but I ignored it, taking a deep breath, I stood up straight and extended my arms outward.

//Have faith// The voice whispered again

A gold glowing light wrapped itself around both my arms, two long swords materialized in my hands. There was a small inscription on each blade.

"Faith and hope: May it guide you to the path of righteousness.."  

Was written on the left blade and on the right it read, 

"Love: May it give you strength to fight evil"

Gripping my swords, I ran towards him and plunged the knife into his back but somehow it deflected and I was flung across the room but managed to land on my feet. He slowly turned around and looked at me with a smile.

"Did you have a nice chat with my brother? I see he's given you the twin blades, I'm surprised you have the power to summon them. But let's see if you can wield it" He cackled and a large butchers blade appeared in his hands. 

The blade had a black carving on it with red skulls, the handles had an intricate design that twisted in various directions.

We both ran towards each other, he hurtled forward and I crossed my swords in order to block it. Using as much force as I could, I gripped the handles with my sweaty palms and pushed him backwards. Without stopping I swung my right arm towards him but he jerked backwards. I leapt forwards and flipped into the air and lands behind him, I swung my sword again and slashed him in the back. Blood oozed out and dripped onto the floor, he turned around and swung the blade with force.

Red fire emerged from the blade and without thinking I pointed my swords towards him and a blue light shielded me, the flames disappeared and I closed my eyes.

I tensed my arms and green swirls shot out of the sword, black clouded the Drakhan and deflected my attack. He smirked and the cloud of smoke shot towards me like small needles, I motioned my sword to block it and they dissipated.

Sweat trickled down my forehead and my breathing was heavy. I had to end it quickly before I ran out of energy. The Great Leaders voice echoed in mind, "Combine love with faith and hope and you will have the ultimate power"

Combine love with faith and hope.

I knew what I had to do, I gripped both of my swords and pushed them together. There was a slight buzz and suddenly it glowed, the blades had meshed together and formed into one. The Drakhan looked at me in shock and then anger.

"You will never defeat me!" He roared, cracks on his face began to form and his armour began to peel away.

This time it was my turn to smirk, I ran forward and plunged the sword into him. He cried out in agony and disappeared. 

I dropped the blade with a heavy bang, I doubled over in pain as my mind finally registered the previous wound. Pain shook through my body and concentrated on my stomach, and I heard voices yelling and screaming.

I drifted in and out of darkness and before I shut down, I felt something sharp pierce me.

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Spencer P.O.V:

I reached the pack house and bolted up the stairs, I could hear banging and shuffling and then a loud scream. The house shook and then silence, I froze when I heard Peyton groan and then something metalic drop, followed by a loud thud.

I entered the battered room and found an equally battered Peyton, blood was pouring out from a wound  and she was clutching her stomach, I quickly dropped to the floor and checked her pulse, she was still alive, but only slightly. Her poor condition reminded me of when I first met her.

The other guys ran up the stairs and we carried her to the medical office. A doctor stood waiting for our arrival, everything was set up and ready, we carefully place her onto the bed. The doctor quickly checked her and cleaned up her wounds, after a few minutes he grabbed the ultrasound and began to scan her stomach, he looked at us with sadness and regret

"You guys should leave for now, check up on everyone" I told the boys, they nodded and reluctantly left

"I'm sorry, but she's lost the baby, we need to hook her up to an IV but the blood bags we have won't heal her fast ebough; there's only one thing to do" The doctor said

"What is it?" I questioned him

The doctor closed his eyes and let out a deep breath "You're a vampire, what do you think we'll do?"

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~




Thank you everyone for supporting me once again, Thank you for being so patient with me and understanding, This was my first ever 'successful' story and it's truly been an amazing experience.

I remember when I first wrote this I was extremely excited when I hit 1,000 reads and now it's over 60,000!! I cant thank you guys enough, seriously!!

April 20: OH MY GOD!! ALMOST 90,000 READS!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! <3


VOTE COMMENT AND FAN!!! :) :) :) :) XX

~Jackie xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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